Table of Contents - pgRouting Manual (2.5)
Table of Contents
pgRouting extends the PostGIS / PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing and other network analysis functionality.
This is the manual for pgRouting v2.5.4.
The pgRouting Manual is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 License . Feel free to use this material any way you like, but we ask that you attribute credit to the pgRouting Project and wherever possible, a link back to . For other licenses used in pgRouting see the Licensing page.
Data Types
- pgr_costResult[] - A set of records to describe a path result with cost attribute.
- pgr_costResult3[] - A set of records to describe a path result with cost attribute.
- pgr_geomResult - A set of records to describe a path result with geometry attribute.
Topology Functions
- pgr_createTopology - to create a topology based on the geometry.
- pgr_createVerticesTable - to reconstruct the vertices table based on the source and target information.
- pgr_analyzeGraph - to analyze the edges and vertices of the edge table.
- pgr_analyzeOneway - to analyze directionality of the edges.
- pgr_nodeNetwork -to create nodes to a not noded edge table.
Routing functions
All Pairs - Family of Functions
- pgr_floydWarshall - Floyd-Warshall’s Algorithm
- pgr_johnson - Johnson’s Algorithm
pgr_aStar - Shortest Path A*
pgr_bdAstar - Bi-directional A* Shortest Path
pgr_bdDijkstra - Bi-directional Dijkstra Shortest Path
Dijkstra - Family of functions
- pgr_dijkstra - Dijkstra’s algorithm for the shortest paths.
- pgr_dijkstraCost - Get the aggregate cost of the shortest paths.
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix - proposed - Use pgr_dijkstra to create a costs matrix.
- pgr_drivingDistance - Use pgr_dijkstra to calculate catchament information.
- pgr_KSP - Use Yen algorithm with pgr_dijkstra to get the K shortest paths.
- pgr_dijkstraVia - Proposed - Get a route of a seuence of vertices.
pgr_KSP - K-Shortest Path
pgr_trsp - Turn Restriction Shortest Path (TRSP)
Traveling Sales Person - Family of functions
- pgr_TSP - When input is given as matrix cell information.
- pgr_eucledianTSP - When input are coordinates.
- pgr_drivingDistance - Driving Distance based on pgr_dijkstra
- pgr_withPointsDD - Proposed - Driving Distance based on pgr_withPoints
Post pocessing
- pgr_alphaShape - Alpha shape computation
- pgr_pointsAsPolygon - Polygon around a set of points
Change Log
- pgRouting 2.5.4 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.5.3 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.5.2 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.5.1 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.5.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.4.2 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.4.1 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.4.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.3.2 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.3.1 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.3.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.4 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.3 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.2 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.1 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.2.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.1.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.0.1 Release Notes
- pgRouting 2.0.0 Release Notes
- pgRouting 1.x Release Notes
Indices and tables