Stable Proposed Functions - pgRouting Manual (2.5)
Stable Proposed Functions
Proposed functions for next mayor release.
- They are not officially in the current release.
They will likely officially be part of the next mayor release:
- The functions make use of ANY-INTEGER and ANY-NUMERICAL
- Name might not change. (But still can)
- Signature might not change. (But still can)
- Functionality might not change. (But still can)
- pgTap tests have being done. But might need more.
- Documentation might need refinement.
As part of the Dijkstra - Family of functions
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix - proposed Use pgr_dijkstra to calculate a cost matrix.
- pgr_dijkstraVia - Proposed - Use pgr_dijkstra to make a route via vertices.
- pgr_aStar - A* algorithm for the shortest path.
- pgr_aStarCost - proposed - Get the aggregate cost of the shortest paths.
- pgr_aStarCostMatrix - proposed - Get the cost matrix of the shortest paths.
Bidirectional A* - Family of functions
- pgr_bdAstar - Bidirectional A* algorithm for obtaining paths.
- pgr_bdAstarCost - Proposed - Bidirectional A* algorithm to calculate the cost of the paths.
- pgr_bdAstarCostMatrix - proposed - Bidirectional A* algorithm to calculate a cost matrix of paths.
Bidirectional Dijkstra - Family of functions
- pgr_bdDijkstra - Bidirectional Dijkstra algorithm for the shortest paths.
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost - Proposed - Bidirectional Dijkstra to calculate the cost of the shortest paths
- pgr_bdDijkstraCostMatrix - proposed - Bidirectional Dijkstra algorithm to create a matrix of costs of the shortest paths.
- pgr_maxFlow - Proposed - Only the Max flow calculation using Push and Relabel algorithm.
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov - Proposed - Boykov and Kolmogorov with details of flow on edges.
- pgr_edmondsKarp - Proposed - Edmonds and Karp algorithm with details of flow on edges.
- pgr_pushRelabel - Proposed - Push and relabel algorithm with details of flow on edges.
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths - Proposed - Calculates edge disjoint paths between two groups of vertices.
- pgr_maxCardinalityMatch - Proposed - Calculates a maximum cardinality matching in a graph.
withPoints - Family of functions
- pgr_withPoints - Proposed - Route from/to points anywhere on the graph.
- pgr_withPointsCost - Proposed - Costs of the shortest paths.
- pgr_withPointsCostMatrix - proposed - Costs of the shortest paths.
- pgr_withPointsKSP - Proposed - K shortest paths.
- pgr_withPointsDD - Proposed - Driving distance.
- pgr_aStarCost - proposed
- pgr_bdAstarCost - Proposed
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost - Proposed
- pgr_dijkstraCost
- pgr_withPointsCost - Proposed
- pgr_aStarCostMatrix - proposed
- pgr_bdAstarCostMatrix - proposed
- pgr_bdDijkstraCostMatrix - proposed
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix - proposed
- pgr_withPointsCostMatrix - proposed
- pgr_KSP - Driving Distance based on pgr_dijkstra
- pgr_withPointsKSP - Proposed - Driving Distance based on pgr_dijkstra
Experimental Functions
Experimental functions
- They are not officially of the current release.
They likely will not be officially be part of the next release:
- The functions might not make use of ANY-INTEGER and ANY-NUMERICAL
- Name might change.
- Signature might change.
- Functionality might change.
- pgTap tests might be missing.
- Might need c/c++ coding.
- May lack documentation.
- Documentation if any might need to be rewritten.
- Documentation examples might need to be automatically generated.
- Might need a lot of feedback from the comunity.
- Might depend on a proposed function of pgRouting
- Might depend on a deprecated function of pgRouting
Contraction - Family of functions - Reduce network size using contraction techniques
- pgr_contractGraph - Experimental - Reduce network size using contraction techniques
Graph Analysis
- pgr_labelGraph - Experimental - Analyze / label subgraphs within a network
Components - Family of functions - Analyze components within a graph
- pgr_connectedComponents - Experimental - Return the connected components of an undirected graph
- pgr_strongComponents - Experimental - Return the strongly connected components of a directed graph
- pgr_biconnectedComponents - Experimental - Return the biconnected components of an undirected graph
- pgr_articulationPoints - Experimental - Return the articulation points of an undirected graph
- pgr_bridges - Experimental - Return the bridges of an undirected graph
Graph Transformation