

ST_SetScale — Sets the X and Y size of pixels in units of coordinate reference system. Number units/pixel width/height.


raster ST_SetScale ( raster rast , float8 xy ) ;

raster ST_SetScale ( raster rast , float8 x , float8 y ) ;


Sets the X and Y size of pixels in units of coordinate reference system. Number units/pixel width/height. If only one unit passed in, assumed X and Y are the same number.


ST_SetScale is different from ST_Rescale in that ST_SetScale do not resample the raster to match the raster extent. It only changes the metadata (or georeference) of the raster to correct an originally mis-specified scaling. ST_Rescale results in a raster having different width and height computed to fit the geographic extent of the input raster. ST_SetScale do not modify the width, nor the height of the raster.

Changed: 2.0.0 In WKTRaster versions this was called ST_SetPixelSize. This was changed in 2.0.0.


UPDATE dummy_rast 
	SET rast = ST_SetScale(rast, 1.5)
WHERE rid = 2;

SELECT ST_ScaleX(rast) As pixx, ST_ScaleY(rast) As pixy, Box3D(rast) As newbox
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;

 pixx | pixy |                    newbox
  1.5 |  1.5 | BOX(3427927.75 5793244 0, 3427935.25 5793251.5 0)
UPDATE dummy_rast 
	SET rast = ST_SetScale(rast, 1.5, 0.55)
WHERE rid = 2;

SELECT ST_ScaleX(rast) As pixx, ST_ScaleY(rast) As pixy, Box3D(rast) As newbox
FROM dummy_rast
WHERE rid = 2;

 pixx | pixy |                   newbox
  1.5 | 0.55 | BOX(3427927.75 5793244 0,3427935.25 5793247 0)