

ST_NewEdgesSplit — Split an edge by creating a new node along an existing edge, deleting the original edge and replacing it with two new edges. Returns the id of the new node created that joins the new edges.


integer ST_NewEdgesSplit ( varchar atopology , integer anedge , geometry apoint ) ;


Split an edge with edge id anedge by creating a new node with point location apoint along current edge, deleting the original edge and replacing it with two new edges. Returns the id of the new node created that joins the new edges. Updates all existing joined edges and relationships accordingly.

If the spatial reference system (srid) of the point geometry is not the same as the topology, the apoint is not a point geometry, the point is null, the point already exists as a node, the edge does not correspond to an existing edge or the point is not within the edge then an exception is thrown.

Availability: 1.?

This method implements the SQL/MM specification. SQL-MM: Topo-Net Routines: X.3.8


-- Add an edge  --
SELECT topology.AddEdge('ma_topo', ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(227575 893917,227592 893900)', 26986) ) As edgeid;
-- result-
-- Split the new edge --
SELECT topology.ST_NewEdgesSplit('ma_topo', 2,  ST_GeomFromText('POINT(227578.5 893913.5)', 26986) ) As newnodeid; 