

ST_NumInteriorRings — Return the number of interior rings of the a polygon in the geometry. This will work with POLYGON and return NULL for a MULTIPOLYGON type or any other type


integer ST_NumInteriorRings ( geometry a_polygon ) ;


Return the number of interior rings of the first polygon in the geometry. This will work with both POLYGON and MULTIPOLYGON types but only looks at the first polygon. Return NULL if there is no polygon in the geometry.

This method implements the SQL/MM specification. SQL-MM 3: 8.2.5

Changed: 2.0.0 - in prior versions it would return the number of interior rings for the first POLYGON in a MULTIPOLYGON.


--If you have a regular polygon
SELECT gid, field1, field2, ST_NumInteriorRings(the_geom) AS numholes
FROM sometable;

--If you have multipolygons
--And you want to know the total number of interior rings in the MULTIPOLYGON
SELECT gid, field1, field2, SUM(ST_NumInteriorRings(the_geom)) AS numholes
FROM (SELECT gid, field1, field2, (ST_Dump(the_geom)).geom As the_geom
	FROM sometable) As foo
GROUP BY gid, field1,field2;