--- title: "ST_Count" draft: false hidden: true ---


ST_Count — Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified defaults to band 1. If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels that are not equal to the nodata value.


bigint ST_Count ( raster rast , integer nband=1 , boolean exclude_nodata_value=true ) ;

bigint ST_Count ( raster rast , boolean exclude_nodata_value ) ;


Returns the number of pixels in a given band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified nband defaults to 1.


If exclude_nodata_value is set to true, will only count pixels with value not equal to the nodata value of the raster. Set exclude_nodata_value to false to get count all pixels

Changed: 3.1.0 - The ST_Count(rastertable, rastercolumn, ...) variants removed. Use ST_CountAgg instead.

Availability: 2.0.0


--example will count all pixels not 249 and one will count all pixels.  --
SELECT rid, ST_Count(ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,249)) As exclude_nodata,
        ST_Count(ST_SetBandNoDataValue(rast,249),false) As include_nodata
    FROM dummy_rast WHERE rid=2;

rid | exclude_nodata | include_nodata
   2 |             23 |             25

See Also

ST_CountAgg , ST_SummaryStats , ST_SetBandNoDataValue