--- title: "ST_SummaryStats" draft: false hidden: true ---


ST_SummaryStats — Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. Band 1 is assumed is no band is specified.


summarystats ST_SummaryStats ( raster rast , boolean exclude_nodata_value ) ;

summarystats ST_SummaryStats ( raster rast , integer nband , boolean exclude_nodata_value ) ;


Returns summarystats consisting of count, sum, mean, stddev, min, max for a given raster band of a raster or raster coverage. If no band is specified nband defaults to 1.


By default only considers pixel values not equal to the nodata value. Set exclude_nodata_value to false to get count of all pixels.


By default will sample all pixels. To get faster response, set sample_percent to lower than 1

Changed: 3.1.0 ST_SummaryStats(rastertable, rastercolumn, ...) variants are removed. Use ST_SummaryStatsAgg instead.

Availability: 2.0.0

Example: Single raster tile

SELECT rid, band, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT rid, band, ST_SummaryStats(rast, band) As stats
    FROM dummy_rast CROSS JOIN generate_series(1,3) As band
     WHERE rid=2) As foo;

 rid | band | count | sum  |    mean    |  stddev   | min | max
   2 |    1 |    23 | 5821 | 253.086957 |  1.248061 | 250 | 254
   2 |    2 |    25 | 3682 |     147.28 | 59.862188 |  78 | 254
   2 |    3 |    25 | 3290 |      131.6 | 61.647384 |  62 | 254

Example: Summarize pixels that intersect buildings of interest

This example took 574ms on PostGIS windows 64-bit with all of Boston Buildings and aerial Tiles (tiles each 150x150 pixels ~ 134,000 tiles), ~102,000 building records

-- our features of interest
   feat AS (SELECT gid As building_id, geom_26986 As geom FROM buildings AS b
    WHERE gid IN(100, 103,150)
-- clip band 2 of raster tiles to boundaries of builds
-- then get stats for these clipped regions
   b_stats AS
    (SELECT  building_id, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT building_id, ST_SummaryStats(ST_Clip(rast,2,geom)) As stats
    FROM aerials.boston
        INNER JOIN feat
    ON ST_Intersects(feat.geom,rast)
 ) As foo
-- finally summarize stats
SELECT building_id, SUM(count) As num_pixels
  , MIN(min) As min_pval
  ,  MAX(max) As max_pval
  , SUM(mean*count)/SUM(count) As avg_pval
    FROM b_stats
 WHERE count > 0
    GROUP BY building_id
    ORDER BY building_id;
 building_id | num_pixels | min_pval | max_pval |     avg_pval
         100 |       1090 |        1 |      255 | 61.0697247706422
         103 |        655 |        7 |      182 | 70.5038167938931
         150 |        895 |        2 |      252 | 185.642458100559

Example: Raster coverage

-- stats for each band --
SELECT band, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT band, ST_SummaryStats('o_4_boston','rast', band) As stats
    FROM generate_series(1,3) As band) As foo;

 band |  count  |  sum   |       mean       |      stddev      | min | max
    1 | 8450000 | 725799 | 82.7064349112426 | 45.6800222638537 |   0 | 255
    2 | 8450000 | 700487 | 81.4197705325444 | 44.2161184161765 |   0 | 255
    3 | 8450000 | 575943 |  74.682739408284 | 44.2143885481407 |   0 | 255

-- For a table -- will get better speed if set sampling to less than 100%
-- Here we set to 25% and get a much faster answer
SELECT band, (stats).*
FROM (SELECT band, ST_SummaryStats('o_4_boston','rast', band,true,0.25) As stats
    FROM generate_series(1,3) As band) As foo;

 band |  count  |  sum   |       mean       |      stddev      | min | max
    1 | 2112500 | 180686 | 82.6890480473373 | 45.6961043857248 |   0 | 255
    2 | 2112500 | 174571 |  81.448503668639 | 44.2252623171821 |   0 | 255
    3 | 2112500 | 144364 | 74.6765884023669 | 44.2014869384578 |   0 | 255

See Also

summarystats , ST_SummaryStatsAgg , ST_Count , ST_Clip