This chapter details the steps required to install PostGIS.
To compile assuming you have all the dependencies in your search path:
tar -xvzf postgis-3.5.1.tar.gz cd postgis-3.5.1 ./configure make make install
Once PostGIS is installed, it needs to be enabled ( Section 3.3, “Creating spatial databases” ) or upgraded ( Section 3.4, “Upgrading spatial databases” ) in each individual database you want to use it in.
![]() |
Many OS systems now include pre-built packages for PostgreSQL/PostGIS. In many cases compilation is only necessary if you want the most bleeding edge versions or you are a package maintainer. This section includes general compilation instructions, if you are compiling for Windows etc or another OS, you may find additional more detailed help at PostGIS User contributed compile guides and PostGIS Dev Wiki . Pre-Built Packages for various OS are listed in PostGIS Pre-built Packages If you are a windows user, you can get stable builds via Stackbuilder or PostGIS Windows download site We also have very bleeding-edge windows experimental builds that are built usually once or twice a week or whenever anything exciting happens. You can use these to experiment with the in progress releases of PostGIS |
The PostGIS module is an extension to the PostgreSQL backend server. As such, PostGIS 3.5.1 requires full PostgreSQL server headers access in order to compile. It can be built against PostgreSQL versions 12 - 17. Earlier versions of PostgreSQL are not supported.
Refer to the PostgreSQL installation guides if you haven't already installed PostgreSQL. .
![]() |
For GEOS functionality, when you install PostgreSQL you may need to explicitly link PostgreSQL against the standard C++ library: LDFLAGS=-lstdc++ ./configure [YOUR OPTIONS HERE] This is a workaround for bogus C++ exceptions interaction with older development tools. If you experience weird problems (backend unexpectedly closed or similar things) try this trick. This will require recompiling your PostgreSQL from scratch, of course. |
The following steps outline the configuration and compilation of the PostGIS source. They are written for Linux users and will not work on Windows or Mac.
Retrieve the PostGIS source archive from the downloads website
wget tar -xvzf postgis-3.5.1.tar.gz cd postgis-3.5.1
This will create a directory called
in the current working
Alternatively, checkout the source from the git repository .
git clone postgis cd postgis sh
Change into the newly created
directory to continue
the installation.
PostGIS has the following requirements for building and usage:
PostgreSQL 12 - 17. A complete installation of PostgreSQL (including server headers) is required. PostgreSQL is available from .
For a full PostgreSQL / PostGIS support matrix and PostGIS/GEOS support matrix refer to
GNU C compiler (
). Some other ANSI C compilers
can be used to compile PostGIS, but we find far fewer problems when
compiling with
GNU Make (
For many systems, GNU
is the default version
of make. Check the version by invoking
make -v
Other versions of
may not process the
Proj reprojection library. Proj 6.1 or above is required. The Proj library is used to provide coordinate reprojection support within PostGIS. Proj is available for download from .
GEOS geometry library, version 3.8.0 or greater, but GEOS 3.12+ is required to take full advantage of all the new functions and features. GEOS is available for download from .
LibXML2, version 2.5.x or higher. LibXML2 is currently used in some imports functions (ST_GeomFromGML and ST_GeomFromKML). LibXML2 is available for download from .
JSON-C, version 0.9 or higher. JSON-C is currently used to import GeoJSON via the function ST_GeomFromGeoJson. JSON-C is available for download from .
GDAL, version 3+ is preferred. This is required for raster support. .
If compiling with PostgreSQL+JIT, LLVM version >=6 is required .
GDAL (pseudo optional) only if you don't want raster you can leave it out. Also make sure to enable the drivers you want to use as described in Section 3.2, “Configuring raster support” .
GTK (requires GTK+2.0, 2.8+) to compile the shp2pgsql-gui shape file loader. .
SFCGAL, 1.4.1 or higher is required and 1.5.0+ is needed to be able to use all functionality. SFCGAL can be used to provide additional 2D and 3D advanced analysis functions to PostGIS cf
Chapter 8,
SFCGAL Functions Reference
. And also allow to use SFCGAL rather than GEOS for some 2D functions provided by both backends (like ST_Intersection or ST_Area, for instance). A PostgreSQL configuration variable
allow end user to control which backend he want to use if SFCGAL is installed (GEOS by default). Nota: SFCGAL 1.2 require at least CGAL 4.3 and Boost 1.54 (cf:
In order to build the
Section 12.1, “Address Standardizer”
you will also need PCRE
(which generally is already installed on nix systems).
Section 12.1, “Address Standardizer”
will automatically be built if it detects a PCRE library, or you pass in a valid
during configure.
To enable ST_AsMVT protobuf-c library 1.1.0 or higher (for usage) and the protoc-c compiler (for building) are required.
Also, pkg-config is required to verify the correct minimum version of protobuf-c.
By default, Postgis will use Wagyu to validate MVT polygons faster which requires a c++11 compiler. It will use CXXFLAGS and the same compiler as the PostgreSQL installation. To disable this and use GEOS instead use the
during the configure step.
CUnit (
). This is needed for regression testing.
DocBook (
) is required for building the
documentation. Docbook is available from
DBLatex (
) is required for building the
documentation in PDF format. DBLatex is available from
ImageMagick (
) is required to generate the
images used in the documentation. ImageMagick is available from
As with most linux installations, the first step is to generate the Makefile that will be used to build the source code. This is done by running the shell script
With no additional parameters, this command will attempt to automatically locate the required components and libraries needed to build the PostGIS source code on your system. Although this is the most common usage of ./configure , the script accepts several parameters for those who have the required libraries and programs in non-standard locations.
The following list shows only the most commonly used parameters. For a complete list, use the --help or --help=short parameters.
Starting with PostGIS 3.0, the library files generated by default will no longer have the minor version
as part of the file name. This means all PostGIS 3 libs will end in
This was done to make pg_upgrade easier, with downside that you can only install
one version PostGIS 3 series in your server.
To get the old behavior of file including the minor version: e.g.
add this switch to your configure statement.
This is the location the PostGIS loader executables and shared libs will be installed. By default, this location is the same as the detected PostgreSQL installation.
![]() |
This parameter is currently broken, as the package will only install into the PostgreSQL installation directory. Visit to track this bug. |
PostgreSQL provides a utility called pg_config to enable extensions like PostGIS to locate the PostgreSQL installation directory. Use this parameter ( --with-pgconfig=/path/to/pg_config ) to manually specify a particular PostgreSQL installation that PostGIS will build against.
GDAL, a required library, provides functionality needed for raster support gdal-config to enable software installations to locate the GDAL installation directory. Use this parameter ( --with-gdalconfig=/path/to/gdal-config ) to manually specify a particular GDAL installation that PostGIS will build against.
GEOS, a required geometry library, provides a utility called geos-config to enable software installations to locate the GEOS installation directory. Use this parameter ( --with-geosconfig=/path/to/geos-config ) to manually specify a particular GEOS installation that PostGIS will build against.
LibXML is the library required for doing GeomFromKML/GML processes.
It normally is found if you have libxml installed, but if not or you want
a specific version used, you'll need to point PostGIS at a specific
confi file to enable software installations to
locate the LibXML installation directory. Use this parameter
) to
manually specify a particular LibXML installation that PostGIS will
build against.
Proj is a reprojection library required by PostGIS. Use this parameter ( --with-projdir=/path/to/projdir ) to manually specify a particular Proj installation directory that PostGIS will build against.
Directory where iconv is installed.
JSON-C is an MIT-licensed JSON library required by PostGIS ST_GeomFromJSON support. Use this parameter ( --with-jsondir=/path/to/jsondir ) to manually specify a particular JSON-C installation directory that PostGIS will build against.
PCRE is an BSD-licensed Perl Compatible Regular Expression library required by address_standardizer extension. Use this parameter ( --with-pcredir=/path/to/pcredir ) to manually specify a particular PCRE installation directory that PostGIS will build against.
Compile the data import GUI (requires GTK+2.0). This will create shp2pgsql-gui graphical interface to shp2pgsql.
Compile without raster support.
Disable topology support. There is no corresponding library as all logic needed for topology is in postgis-3.5.1 library.
By default PostGIS will try to detect gettext support and compile with it, however if you run into incompatibility issues that cause breakage of loader, you can disable it entirely with this command. Refer to ticket for an example issue solved by configuring with this. NOTE: that you aren't missing much by turning this off. This is used for international help/label support for the GUI loader which is not yet documented and still experimental.
By default PostGIS will not install with sfcgal support without this switch.
is an optional argument that allows to specify an alternate PATH to sfcgal-config.
Disable updating postgis_revision.h to match current HEAD of the git repository.
![]() |
If you obtained PostGIS from the code repository , the first step is really to run the script ./ This script will generate the configure script that in turn is used to customize the installation of PostGIS. If you instead obtained PostGIS as a tarball, running ./ is not necessary as configure has already been generated. |
Once the Makefile has been generated, building PostGIS is as simple as running
The last line of the output should be "
PostGIS was built
successfully. Ready to install.
As of PostGIS v1.4.0, all the functions have comments generated from the documentation. If you wish to install these comments into your spatial databases later, run the command which requires docbook. The postgis_comments.sql and other package comments files raster_comments.sql, topology_comments.sql are also packaged in the tar.gz distribution in the doc folder so no need to make comments if installing from the tar ball. Comments are also included as part of the CREATE EXTENSION install.
make comments
Introduced in PostGIS 2.0. This generates html cheat sheets suitable for quick reference or for student handouts.
This requires xsltproc to build and will generate 4 files in doc folder
You can download some pre-built ones available in html and pdf from PostGIS / PostgreSQL Study Guides
make cheatsheets
The PostGIS extensions are built and installed automatically if you are using PostgreSQL 9.1+.
If you are building from source repository, you need to build the function descriptions first. These get built if you have docbook installed. You can also manually build with the statement:
make comments
Building the comments is not necessary if you are building from a release tar ball since these are packaged pre-built with the tar ball already.
The extensions should automatically build as part of the make install process. You can if needed build from the extensions folders or copy files if you need them on a different server.
cd extensions cd postgis make clean make export PGUSER=postgres #overwrite psql variables make check #to test before install make install # to test extensions make check RUNTESTFLAGS=--extension
![]() |
The extension files will always be the same for the same version of PostGIS and PostgreSQL regardless of OS, so it is fine to copy over the extension files from one OS to another as long as you have the PostGIS binaries already installed on your servers.
If you want to install the extensions manually on a separate server different from your development,
You need to copy the following files from the extensions folder into the
PostgreSQL / share / extension
of your PostgreSQL install as well as the needed binaries for regular PostGIS if you don't have them already on the server.
These are the control files that denote information such as the version of the extension to install if not specified.
postgis.control, postgis_topology.control
All the files in the /sql folder of each extension. Note that these need to be copied to the root of the PostgreSQL share/extension folder
Once you do that, you should see
as available extensions in PgAdmin -> extensions.
If you are using psql, you can verify that the extensions are installed by running this query:
SELECT name, default_version,installed_version FROM pg_available_extensions WHERE name LIKE 'postgis%' or name LIKE 'address%'; name | default_version | installed_version ------------------------------+-----------------+------------------- address_standardizer | 3.5.1 | 3.5.1 address_standardizer_data_us | 3.5.1 | 3.5.1 postgis | 3.5.1 | 3.5.1 postgis_raster | 3.5.1 | 3.5.1 postgis_sfcgal | 3.5.1 | postgis_tiger_geocoder | 3.5.1 | 3.5.1 postgis_topology | 3.5.1 | (6 rows)
If you have the extension installed in the database you are querying, you'll see mention in the
If you get no records back, it means you don't have postgis extensions installed on the server at all. PgAdmin III 1.14+ will also provide this information
in the
section of the database browser tree and will even allow upgrade or uninstall by right-clicking.
If you have the extensions available, you can install postgis extension in your database of choice by either using pgAdmin extension interface or running these sql commands:
CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_sfcgal; CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch; --needed for postgis_tiger_geocoder --optional used by postgis_tiger_geocoder, or can be used standalone CREATE EXTENSION address_standardizer; CREATE EXTENSION address_standardizer_data_us; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology;
In psql you can use to see what versions you have installed and also what schema they are installed.
\connect mygisdb \x \dx postgis*
List of installed extensions -[ RECORD 1 ]------------------------------------------------- Name | postgis Version | 3.5.1 Schema | public Description | PostGIS geometry, geography, and raster spat.. -[ RECORD 2 ]------------------------------------------------- Name | postgis_raster Version | 3.0.0dev Schema | public Description | PostGIS raster types and functions -[ RECORD 3 ]------------------------------------------------- Name | postgis_tiger_geocoder Version | 3.5.1 Schema | tiger Description | PostGIS tiger geocoder and reverse geocoder -[ RECORD 4 ]------------------------------------------------- Name | postgis_topology Version | 3.5.1 Schema | topology Description | PostGIS topology spatial types and functions
![]() |
Extension tables
If you installed 3.5.1, without using our wonderful extension system, you can change it to be extension based by running the below commands to package the functions in their respective extension. Installing using `unpackaged` was removed in PostgreSQL 13, so you are advised to switch to an extension build before upgrading to PostgreSQL 13.
CREATE EXTENSION postgis FROM unpackaged; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_raster FROM unpackaged; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology FROM unpackaged; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder FROM unpackaged;
If you wish to test the PostGIS build, run
make check
The above command will run through various checks and regression tests using the generated library against an actual PostgreSQL database.
![]() |
If you configured PostGIS using non-standard PostgreSQL, GEOS, or
Proj locations, you may need to add their library locations to the
![]() |
Currently, the
make check
relies on the
If successful, make check will produce the output of almost 500 tests. The results will look similar to the following (numerous lines omitted below):
CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-3 . . . Run Summary: Type Total Ran Passed Failed Inactive suites 44 44 n/a 0 0 tests 300 300 300 0 0 asserts 4215 4215 4215 0 n/a Elapsed time = 0.229 seconds . . . Running tests . . . Run tests: 134 Failed: 0 -- if you build with SFCGAL . . . Running tests . . . Run tests: 13 Failed: 0 -- if you built with raster support . . . Run Summary: Type Total Ran Passed Failed Inactive suites 12 12 n/a 0 0 tests 65 65 65 0 0 asserts 45896 45896 45896 0 n/a . . . Running tests . . . Run tests: 101 Failed: 0 -- topology regress . . . Running tests . . . Run tests: 51 Failed: 0 -- if you built --with-gui, you should see this too CUnit - A unit testing framework for C - Version 2.1-2 . . . Run Summary: Type Total Ran Passed Failed Inactive suites 2 2 n/a 0 0 tests 4 4 4 0 0 asserts 4 4 4 0 n/a
extensions, currently only support the standard PostgreSQL installcheck. To test these use the below. Note: the make install is not necessary if you already did make install at root of PostGIS code folder.
For address_standardizer:
cd extensions/address_standardizer make install make installcheck
Output should look like:
============== dropping database "contrib_regression" ============== DROP DATABASE ============== creating database "contrib_regression" ============== CREATE DATABASE ALTER DATABASE ============== running regression test queries ============== test test-init-extensions ... ok test test-parseaddress ... ok test test-standardize_address_1 ... ok test test-standardize_address_2 ... ok ===================== All 4 tests passed. =====================
For tiger geocoder, make sure you have postgis and fuzzystrmatch extensions available in your PostgreSQL instance. The address_standardizer tests will also kick in if you built postgis with address_standardizer support:
cd extensions/postgis_tiger_geocoder make install make installcheck
output should look like:
============== dropping database "contrib_regression" ============== DROP DATABASE ============== creating database "contrib_regression" ============== CREATE DATABASE ALTER DATABASE ============== installing fuzzystrmatch ============== CREATE EXTENSION ============== installing postgis ============== CREATE EXTENSION ============== installing postgis_tiger_geocoder ============== CREATE EXTENSION ============== installing address_standardizer ============== CREATE EXTENSION ============== running regression test queries ============== test test-normalize_address ... ok test test-pagc_normalize_address ... ok ===================== All 2 tests passed. =====================
To install PostGIS, type
make install
This will copy the PostGIS installation files into their appropriate subdirectory specified by the --prefix configuration parameter. In particular:
The loader and dumper binaries are installed in
The SQL files, such as
, are
installed in
The PostGIS libraries are installed in
If you previously ran the
make comments
command to
generate the
file, install the
sql file by running
make comments-install
![]() |
extension used to be a separate package that required separate download. From PostGIS 2.2 on, it is now bundled in.
For more information about the address_standardize, what it does, and how to configure it for your needs, refer to
Section 12.1, “Address Standardizer”
This standardizer can be used in conjunction with the PostGIS packaged tiger geocoder extension as a replacement for the Normalize_Address discussed. To use as replacement refer to Section 2.4.2, “Using Address Standardizer Extension with Tiger geocoder” . You can also use it as a building block for your own geocoder or use it to standardize your addresses for easier compare of addresses.
The address standardizer relies on PCRE which is usually already installed on many Nix systems,
but you can download the latest at:
. If during
Section 2.2.3, “Build configuration”
, PCRE is found, then the address standardizer extension will automatically be built. If you have a custom pcre install you want to use instead, pass to configure
is the root folder for your pcre include and lib directories.
For Windows users, the PostGIS 2.1+ bundle is packaged with the address_standardizer already so no need to compile and can move straight to
Once you have installed, you can connect to your database and run the SQL:
CREATE EXTENSION address_standardizer;
The following test requires no rules, gaz, or lex tables
SELECT num, street, city, state, zip FROM parse_address('1 Devonshire Place PH301, Boston, MA 02109');
Output should be
num | street | city | state | zip -----+------------------------+--------+-------+------- 1 | Devonshire Place PH301 | Boston | MA | 02109
Extras like Tiger geocoder may not be packaged in your PostGIS distribution. If you are missing the tiger geocoder extension or want a newer version than what your install comes with, then use
files from the packages in
Windows Unreleased Versions
section for your version of PostgreSQL.
Although these packages are for windows, the postgis_tiger_geocoder extension files will work on any OS since the extension is an SQL/plpgsql only extension.
These directions assume your PostgreSQL installation already has the postgis_tiger_geocoder extension installed.
Connect to your database via psql or pgAdmin or some other tool and run the following SQL commands. Note that if you are installing in a database that already has postgis, you don't need to do the first step. If you have
extension already installed, you don't need to do the second step either.
CREATE EXTENSION postgis; CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch; CREATE EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder; --this one is optional if you want to use the rules based standardizer (pagc_normalize_address) CREATE EXTENSION address_standardizer;
If you already have postgis_tiger_geocoder extension installed, and just want to update to the latest run:
If you made custom entries or changes to
you may need to update these.
To confirm your install is working correctly, run this sql in your database:
SELECT na.address, na.streetname,na.streettypeabbrev, FROM normalize_address('1 Devonshire Place, Boston, MA 02109') AS na;
Which should output
address | streetname | streettypeabbrev | zip ---------+------------+------------------+------- 1 | Devonshire | Pl | 02109
Create a new record in
table with the paths of your executables and server.
So for example to create a profile called debbie that follows
convention. You would do:
INSERT INTO tiger.loader_platform(os, declare_sect, pgbin, wget, unzip_command, psql, path_sep, loader, environ_set_command, county_process_command) SELECT 'debbie', declare_sect, pgbin, wget, unzip_command, psql, path_sep, loader, environ_set_command, county_process_command FROM tiger.loader_platform WHERE os = 'sh';
And then edit the paths in the declare_sect column to those that fit Debbie's pg, unzip,shp2pgsql, psql, etc path locations.
If you don't edit this
table, it will just contain common case locations of items and you'll have to edit the generated script after the script is generated.
As of PostGIS 2.4.1 the Zip code-5 digit tabulation area
load step was revised to load current zcta5 data and is part of the
when enabled.
It is turned off by default because it takes quite a bit of time to load (20 to 60 minutes), takes up quite a bit of disk space, and is not used that often.
To enable it, do the following:
UPDATE tiger.loader_lookuptables SET load = true WHERE table_name = 'zcta520';
If present the Geocode function can use it if a boundary filter is added to limit to just zips in that boundary. The Reverse_Geocode function uses it if the returned address is missing a zip, which often happens with highway reverse geocoding.
Create a folder called
on root of server or your local pc if you have a fast network connection to the server. This folder is
where the tiger files will be downloaded to and processed. If you are not happy with having the folder on the root of the server, or simply want to change to a different folder for staging, then edit the field
in the
Create a folder called temp in the
folder or wherever you designated the
to be. This will be
the folder where the loader extracts the downloaded tiger data.
Then run the Loader_Generate_Nation_Script SQL function make sure to use the name of your custom profile and copy the script to a .sh or .bat file. So for example to build the nation load:
psql -c "SELECT Loader_Generate_Nation_Script('debbie')" -d geocoder -tA > /gisdata/
Run the generated nation load commandline scripts.
cd /gisdata sh
After you are done running the nation script, you should have three tables in your
schema and they should be filled with data. Confirm you do by doing the following queries from psql or pgAdmin
SELECT count(*) FROM tiger_data.county_all;
count ------- 3235 (1 row)
SELECT count(*) FROM tiger_data.state_all;
count ------- 56 (1 row)
This will only have data if you marked zcta5 to be loaded
SELECT count(*) FROM tiger_data.zcta5_all;
count ------- 33933 (1 row)
By default the tables corresponding to
are not loaded. These tables are not used by the geocoder but are used by folks for population statistics.
If you wish to load them as part of your state loads, run the following statement to enable them.
UPDATE tiger.loader_lookuptables SET load = true WHERE load = false AND lookup_name IN('tract', 'bg', 'tabblock20');
Alternatively you can load just these tables after loading state data using the Loader_Generate_Census_Script
For each state you want to load data for, generate a state script Loader_Generate_Script .
![]() |
DO NOT Generate the state script until you have already loaded the nation data, because the state script utilizes county list loaded by nation script. |
psql -c "SELECT Loader_Generate_Script(ARRAY['MA'], 'debbie')" -d geocoder -tA > /gisdata/
Run the generated commandline scripts.
cd /gisdata sh
After you are done loading all data or at a stopping point, it's a good idea to analyze all the tiger tables to update the stats (include inherited stats)
SELECT install_missing_indexes(); vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.addr; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.edges; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.faces; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.featnames; vacuum (analyze, verbose); vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.cousub; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.county; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.state; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.zcta5; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.zip_lookup_base; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.zip_state; vacuum (analyze, verbose) tiger.zip_state_loc;
One of the many complaints of folks is the address normalizer function Normalize_Address function that normalizes an address for prepping before geocoding. The normalizer is far from perfect and trying to patch its imperfectness takes a vast amount of resources. As such we have integrated with another project that has a much better address standardizer engine. To use this new address_standardizer, you compile the extension as described in Section 2.3, “Installing and Using the address standardizer” and install as an extension in your database.
Once you install this extension in the same database as you have installed
, then the
can be used instead of
. This extension is tiger agnostic, so can be used with other data sources such as international addresses. The tiger geocoder extension does come packaged with its own custom versions of
rules table
) ,
gaz table
), and
lex table
). These you can add and update to improve your standardizing experience for your own needs.
The load process downloads data from the census website for the respective nation files, states requested, extracts the files, and then loads each state into its own separate
set of state tables. Each state table inherits from the tables defined in
schema so that its sufficient to just query those tables to access all the data and drop a set of state tables at any time using the
if you need to reload a state or just don't need a state anymore.
In order to be able to load data you'll need the following tools:
A tool to unzip the zip files from census website.
For Unix like systems:
executable which is usually already installed on most Unix like platforms.
For Windows, 7-zip which is a free compress/uncompress tool you can download from
commandline which is installed by default when you install PostGIS.
which is a web grabber tool usually installed on most Unix/Linux systems.
If you are on windows, you can get pre-compiled binaries from
If you are upgrading from tiger_2010, you'll need to first generate and run Drop_Nation_Tables_Generate_Script . Before you load any state data, you need to load the nation wide data which you do with Loader_Generate_Nation_Script . Which will generate a loader script for you. Loader_Generate_Nation_Script is a one-time step that should be done for upgrading (from a prior year tiger census data) and for new installs.
To load state data refer to Loader_Generate_Script to generate a data load script for your platform for the states you desire. Note that you can install these piecemeal. You don't have to load all the states you want all at once. You can load them as you need them.
After the states you desire have been loaded, make sure to run the:
SELECT install_missing_indexes();
as described in Install_Missing_Indexes .
To test that things are working as they should, try to run a geocode on an address in your state using Geocode
First upgrade your postgis_tiger_geocoder extension as follows:
ALTER EXTENSION postgis_tiger_geocoder UPDATE;
Next drop all nation tables and load up the new ones. Generate a drop script with this SQL statement as detailed in Drop_Nation_Tables_Generate_Script
SELECT drop_nation_tables_generate_script();
Run the generated drop SQL statements.
Generate a nation load script with this SELECT statement as detailed in Loader_Generate_Nation_Script
For windows
SELECT loader_generate_nation_script('windows');
For unix/linux
SELECT loader_generate_nation_script('sh');
Refer to Section 2.4.1, “Tiger Geocoder Enabling your PostGIS database” for instructions on how to run the generate script. This only needs to be done once.
![]() |
You can have a mix of different year state tables and can upgrade each state separately. Before you upgrade a state you first need to drop the prior year state tables for that state using Drop_State_Tables_Generate_Script . |
There are several things to check when your installation or upgrade doesn't go as you expected.
Check that you have installed PostgreSQL 12 or newer, and that you are compiling against the same version of the PostgreSQL source as the version of PostgreSQL that is running. Mix-ups can occur when your (Linux) distribution has already installed PostgreSQL, or you have otherwise installed PostgreSQL before and forgotten about it. PostGIS will only work with PostgreSQL 12 or newer, and strange, unexpected error messages will result if you use an older version. To check the version of PostgreSQL which is running, connect to the database using psql and run this query:
SELECT version();
If you are running an RPM based distribution, you can check for the existence of pre-installed packages using the rpm command as follows: rpm -qa | grep postgresql
If your upgrade fails, make sure you are restoring into a database that already has PostGIS installed.
SELECT postgis_full_version();
Also check that configure has correctly detected the location and version of PostgreSQL, the Proj library and the GEOS library.
The output from configure is used to generate the
file. Check that the
variables have been set