Disaster Recovery and Cloning

Perhaps someone accidentally dropped the users table. Perhaps you want to clone your production database to a step-down environment. Perhaps you want to exercise your disaster recovery system (and it is important that you do!).

Regardless of scenario, it’s important to know how you can perform a “restore” operation with PGO to be able to recovery your data from a particular point in time, or clone a database for other purposes.

Let’s look at how we can perform different types of restore operations. First, let’s understand the core restore properties on the custom resource.

Restore Properties

As of v5.0.5, PGO offers the ability to restore from an existing PostgresCluster or a remote cloud-based data source, such as S3, GCS, etc. For more on that, see the Clone From Backups Stored in S3 / GCS / Azure Blob Storage section.

Note that you cannot use both a local PostgresCluster data source and a remote cloud-based data source at one time; if both the dataSource.postgresCluster and dataSource.pgbackrest fields are filled in, the local PostgresCluster data source will take precedence.

There are several attributes on the custom resource that are important to understand as part of the restore process. All of these attributes are grouped together in the spec.dataSource.postgresCluster section of the custom resource.

Please review the table below to understand how each of these attributes work in the context of setting up a restore operation.

  • spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.clusterName: The name of the cluster that you are restoring from. This corresponds to the metadata.name attribute on a different postgrescluster custom resource.
  • spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.clusterNamespace: The namespace of the cluster that you are restoring from. Used when the cluster exists in a different namespace.
  • spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.repoName: The name of the pgBackRest repository from the spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.clusterName to use for the restore. Can be one of repo1, repo2, repo3, or repo4. The repository must exist in the other cluster.
  • spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.options: Any additional pgBackRest restore options or general options that PGO allows. For example, you may want to set --process-max to help improve performance on larger databases; but you will not be able to set--target-action, since that option is currently disallowed. (PGO always sets it to promote if a --target is present, and otherwise leaves it blank.)
  • spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.resources: Setting resource limits and requests of the restore job can ensure that it runs efficiently.
  • spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.affinity: Custom Kubernetes affinity rules constrain the restore job so that it only runs on certain nodes.
  • spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.tolerations: Custom Kubernetes tolerations allow the restore job to run on tainted nodes.

Let’s walk through some examples for how we can clone and restore our databases.

Clone a Postgres Cluster

Let’s create a clone of our hippo cluster that we created previously. We know that our cluster is named hippo (based on its metadata.name) and that we only have a single backup repository called repo1.

Let’s call our new cluster elephant. We can create a clone of the hippo cluster using a manifest like this:

apiVersion: postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/v1beta1
kind: PostgresCluster
  name: elephant
      clusterName: hippo
      repoName: repo1
  image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:ubi8-14.4-0
  postgresVersion: 14
    - dataVolumeClaimSpec:
        - "ReadWriteOnce"
            storage: 1Gi
      image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-pgbackrest:ubi8-2.38-2
      - name: repo1
            - "ReadWriteOnce"
                storage: 1Gi

Note this section of the spec:

      clusterName: hippo
      repoName: repo1

This is the part that tells PGO to create the elephant cluster as an independent copy of the hippo cluster.

The above is all you need to do to clone a Postgres cluster! PGO will work on creating a copy of your data on a new persistent volume claim (PVC) and work on initializing your cluster to spec. Easy!

Perform a Point-in-time-Recovery (PITR)

Did someone drop the user table? You may want to perform a point-in-time-recovery (PITR) to revert your database back to a state before a change occurred. Fortunately, PGO can help you do that.

You can set up a PITR using the restore command of pgBackRest, the backup management tool that powers the disaster recovery capabilities of PGO. You will need to set a few options on spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.options to perform a PITR. These options include:

  • --type=time: This tells pgBackRest to perform a PITR.
  • --target: Where to perform the PITR to. An example recovery target is 2021-06-09 14:15:11-04. The timezone specified here as -04 for EDT. Please see the pgBackRest documentation for other timezone options.
  • --set (optional): Choose which backup to start the PITR from.

A few quick notes before we begin:

  • To perform a PITR, you must have a backup that is older than your PITR time. In other words, you can’t perform a PITR back to a time where you do not have a backup!
  • All relevant WAL files must be successfully pushed for the restore to complete correctly.
  • Be sure to select the correct repository name containing the desired backup!

With that in mind, let’s use the elephant example above. Let’s say we want to perform a point-in-time-recovery (PITR) to 2021-06-09 14:15:11-04, we can use the following manifest:

apiVersion: postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/v1beta1
kind: PostgresCluster
  name: elephant
      clusterName: hippo
      repoName: repo1
      - --type=time
      - --target="2021-06-09 14:15:11-04"
  image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:ubi8-14.4-0
  postgresVersion: 14
    - dataVolumeClaimSpec:
        - "ReadWriteOnce"
            storage: 1Gi
      image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-pgbackrest:ubi8-2.38-2
      - name: repo1
            - "ReadWriteOnce"
                storage: 1Gi

The section to pay attention to is this:

      clusterName: hippo
      repoName: repo1
      - --type=time 
      - --target="2021-06-09 14:15:11-04"

Notice how we put in the options to specify where to make the PITR.

Using the above manifest, PGO will go ahead and create a new Postgres cluster that recovers its data up until 2021-06-09 14:15:11-04. At that point, the cluster is promoted and you can start accessing your database from that specific point in time!

Perform an In-Place Point-in-time-Recovery (PITR)

Similar to the PITR restore described above, you may want to perform a similar reversion back to a state before a change occurred, but without creating another PostgreSQL cluster. Fortunately, PGO can help you do this as well.

You can set up a PITR using the restore command of pgBackRest, the backup management tool that powers the disaster recovery capabilities of PGO. You will need to set a few options on spec.dataSource.postgresCluster.options to perform a PITR. These options include:

  • --type=time: This tells pgBackRest to perform a PITR.
  • --target: Where to perform the PITR to. An example recovery target is 2021-06-09 14:15:11-04.
  • --set (optional): Choose which backup to start the PITR from.

A few quick notes before we begin:

  • To perform a PITR, you must have a backup that is older than your PITR time. In other words, you can’t perform a PITR back to a time where you do not have a backup!
  • All relevant WAL files must be successfully pushed for the restore to complete correctly.
  • Be sure to select the correct repository name containing the desired backup!

To perform an in-place restore, users will first fill out the restore section of the spec as follows:

        enabled: true
        repoName: repo1
        - --type=time
        - --target="2021-06-09 14:15:11-04"

And to trigger the restore, you will then annotate the PostgresCluster as follows:

kubectl annotate postgrescluster hippo --overwrite \

And once the restore is complete, in-place restores can be disabled:

        enabled: false

Notice how we put in the options to specify where to make the PITR.

Using the above manifest, PGO will go ahead and re-create your Postgres cluster that will recover its data up until 2021-06-09 14:15:11-04. At that point, the cluster is promoted and you can start accessing your database from that specific point in time!

Standby Cluster

Advanced high-availability and disaster recovery strategies involve spreading your database clusters across multiple data centers to help maximize uptime. In Kubernetes, this technique is known as “federation”. Federated Kubernetes clusters are able to communicate with each other, coordinate changes, and provide resiliency for applications that have high uptime requirements.

As of this writing, federation in Kubernetes is still in ongoing development. In the meantime, PGO provides a way to deploy Postgres clusters that can span multiple Kubernetes clusters using an external storage system:

  • Amazon S3, or a system that uses the S3 protocol,
  • Azure Blob Storage, or
  • Google Cloud Storage

Standby Postgres clusters are managed just like any other Postgres cluster in PGO. For example, adding replicas to a standby cluster is a matter of increasing the spec.instances.replicas value. The main difference is that PostgreSQL data in the cluster is read-only: one PostgreSQL instance is reading in the database changes from an external repository while the other instances are replicas of it. This is known as cascading replication.

The following manifest defines a Postgres cluster that recovers from WAL files stored in an S3 bucket:

apiVersion: postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/v1beta1
kind: PostgresCluster
  name: hippo-standby
  image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:ubi8-14.4-0
  postgresVersion: 14
    - dataVolumeClaimSpec:
        - "ReadWriteOnce"
            storage: 1Gi
      image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-pgbackrest:ubi8-2.38-2
      - name: repo1
          bucket: "my-bucket"
          endpoint: "s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com"
          region: "ca-central-1"
    enabled: true
    repoName: repo1

There comes a time where a standby cluster needs to be promoted to an active cluster. Promoting a standby cluster means that a PostgreSQL instance within it will start accepting both reads and writes. This has the net effect of pushing WAL (transaction archives) to the pgBackRest repository, so we need to take a few steps first to ensure we don’t accidentally create a split-brain scenario.

First, if this is not a disaster scenario, you will want to “shutdown” the active PostgreSQL cluster. This can be done with the spec.shutdown attribute:

  shutdown: true

The effect of this is that all the Kubernetes workloads for this cluster are scaled to 0. You can verify this with the following command:

kubectl get deploy,sts,cronjob --selector=postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/cluster=hippo

NAME                              READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
deployment.apps/hippo-pgbouncer   0/0     0            0           1h

NAME                             READY   AGE
statefulset.apps/hippo-00-lwgx   0/0     1h

NAME                                        SCHEDULE   SUSPEND   ACTIVE
cronjob.batch/hippo-repo1-full   @daily     True      0

We can then promote the standby cluster by removing or disabling its spec.standby section:

    enabled: false

This change triggers the promotion of the standby leader to a primary PostgreSQL instance, and the cluster begins accepting writes.

Clone From Backups Stored in S3 / GCS / Azure Blob Storage

You can clone a Postgres cluster from backups that are stored in AWS S3 (or a storage system that uses the S3 protocol), GCS, or Azure Blob Storage without needing an active Postgres cluster! The method to do so is similar to how you clone from an existing PostgresCluster. This is useful if you want to have a data set for people to use but keep it compressed on cheaper storage.

For the purposes of this example, let’s say that you created a Postgres cluster named hippo that has its backups stored in S3 that looks similar to this:

apiVersion: postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/v1beta1
kind: PostgresCluster
  name: hippo
  image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:ubi8-14.4-0
  postgresVersion: 14
    - dataVolumeClaimSpec:
        - "ReadWriteOnce"
            storage: 1Gi
      image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-pgbackrest:ubi8-2.38-2
      - secret:
          name: pgo-s3-creds
        repo1-path: /pgbackrest/postgres-operator/hippo/repo1
        repoName: repo1
         - --type=full
      - name: repo1
          bucket: "my-bucket"
          endpoint: "s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com"
          region: "ca-central-1"

Ensure that the credentials in pgo-s3-creds match your S3 credentials. For more details on deploying a Postgres cluster using S3 for backups, please see the Backups section of the tutorial.

For optimal performance when creating a new cluster from an active cluster, ensure that you take a recent full backup of the previous cluster. The above manifest is set up to take a full backup. Assuming hippo is created in the postgres-operator namespace, you can trigger a full backup with the following command:

kubectl annotate -n postgres-operator postgrescluster hippo --overwrite \
  postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/pgbackrest-backup="$( date '+%F_%H:%M:%S' )"

Wait for the backup to complete. Once this is done, you can delete the Postgres cluster.

Now, let’s clone the data from the hippo backup into a new cluster called elephant. You can use a manifest similar to this:

apiVersion: postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/v1beta1
kind: PostgresCluster
  name: elephant
  image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:ubi8-14.4-0
  postgresVersion: 14
      stanza: db
      - secret:
          name: pgo-s3-creds
        repo1-path: /pgbackrest/postgres-operator/hippo/repo1
        name: repo1
          bucket: "my-bucket"
          endpoint: "s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com"
          region: "ca-central-1"
    - dataVolumeClaimSpec:
        - "ReadWriteOnce"
            storage: 1Gi
      image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-pgbackrest:ubi8-2.38-2
      - secret:
          name: pgo-s3-creds
        repo1-path: /pgbackrest/postgres-operator/elephant/repo1
      - name: repo1
          bucket: "my-bucket"
          endpoint: "s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com"
          region: "ca-central-1"

There are a few things to note in this manifest. First, note that the spec.dataSource.pgbackrest object in our new PostgresCluster is very similar but slightly different from the old PostgresCluster’s spec.backups.pgbackrest object. The key differences are:

  1. No image is necessary when restoring from a cloud-based data source
  2. stanza is a required field when restoring from a cloud-based data source
  3. backups.pgbackrest has a repos field, which is an array
  4. dataSource.pgbackrest has a repo field, which is a single object

Note also the similarities:

  1. We are reusing the secret for both (because the new restore pod needs to have the same credentials as the original backup pod)
  2. The repo object is the same
  3. The global object is the same

This is because the new restore pod for the elephant PostgresCluster will need to reuse the configuration and credentials that were originally used in setting up the hippo PostgresCluster.

In this example, we are creating a new cluster which is also backing up to the same S3 bucket; only the spec.backups.pgbackrest.global field has changed to point to a different path. This will ensure that the new elephant cluster will be pre-populated with the data from hippo’s backups, but will backup to its own folders, ensuring that the original backup repository is appropriately preserved.

Deploy this manifest to create the elephant Postgres cluster. Observe that it comes up and running:

kubectl -n postgres-operator describe postgrescluster elephant

When it is ready, you will see that the number of expected instances matches the number of ready instances, e.g.:

  Name:               00
  Ready Replicas:     1
  Replicas:           1
  Updated Replicas:   1

The previous example shows how to use an existing S3 repository to pre-populate a PostgresCluster while using a new S3 repository for backing up. But PostgresClusters that use cloud-based data sources can also use local repositories.

For example, assuming a PostgresCluster called rhino that was meant to pre-populate from the original hippo PostgresCluster, the manifest would look like this:

apiVersion: postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/v1beta1
kind: PostgresCluster
  name: rhino
  image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:ubi8-14.4-0
  postgresVersion: 14
      stanza: db
      - secret:
          name: pgo-s3-creds
        repo1-path: /pgbackrest/postgres-operator/hippo/repo1
        name: repo1
          bucket: "my-bucket"
          endpoint: "s3.ca-central-1.amazonaws.com"
          region: "ca-central-1"
    - dataVolumeClaimSpec:
        - "ReadWriteOnce"
            storage: 1Gi
      image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-pgbackrest:ubi8-2.38-2
      - name: repo1
            - "ReadWriteOnce"
                storage: 1Gi

Next Steps

Now we’ve seen how to clone a cluster and perform a point-in-time-recovery, let’s see how we can monitor our Postgres cluster to detect and prevent issues from occurring.