

Upgrading to a new version of PGO is typically as simple as following the various installation guides defined within the PGO documentation:

However, when upgrading to or from certain versions of PGO, extra steps may be required in order to ensure a clean and successful upgrade. This page will therefore document any additional steps that must be completed when upgrading PGO.

Upgrading from PGO 5.0.0 Using Kustomize

Starting with PGO 5.0.1, both the Deployment and ServiceAccount created when installing PGO via the installers in the Postgres Operator examples repository have been renamed from postgres-operator to pgo. As a result of this change, if using Kustomize to install PGO and upgrading from PGO 5.0.0, the following step must be completed prior to upgrading. This will ensure multiple versions of PGO are not installed and running concurrently within your Kubernetes environment.

Prior to upgrading PGO, first manually delete the PGO 5.0.0 postgres-operator Deployment and ServiceAccount:

kubectl -n postgres-operator delete deployment,serviceaccount postgres-operator

Then, once both the Deployment and ServiceAccount have been deleted, proceed with upgrading PGO by applying the new version of the Kustomize installer:

kubectl apply -k kustomize/install/bases