Network Address Functions and Operators

Table 9-34 shows the operators available for the cidr and inet types. The operators << , <<= , >> , >>= , and && test for subnet inclusion. They consider only the network parts of the two addresses (ignoring any host part) and determine whether one network is identical to or a subnet of the other.

Table 9-34. cidr and inet Operators

Operator Description Example
< is less than inet '' < inet ''
<= is less than or equal inet '' <= inet ''
= equals inet '' = inet ''
>= is greater or equal inet '' >= inet ''
> is greater than inet '' > inet ''
<> is not equal inet '' <> inet ''
<< is contained by inet '' << inet '192.168.1/24'
<<= is contained by or equals inet '192.168.1/24' <<= inet '192.168.1/24'
>> contains inet '192.168.1/24' >> inet ''
>>= contains or equals inet '192.168.1/24' >>= inet '192.168.1/24'
&& contains or is contained by inet '192.168.1/24' && inet ''
~ bitwise NOT ~ inet ''
& bitwise AND inet '' & inet ''
| bitwise OR inet '' | inet ''
+ addition inet '' + 25
- subtraction inet '' - 36
- subtraction inet '' - inet ''

Table 9-35 shows the functions available for use with the cidr and inet types. The abbrev , host , and text functions are primarily intended to offer alternative display formats.

Table 9-35. cidr and inet Functions

Function Return Type Description Example Result
abbrev( inet ) text abbreviated display format as text abbrev(inet '')
abbrev( cidr ) text abbreviated display format as text abbrev(cidr '') 10.1/16
broadcast( inet ) inet broadcast address for network broadcast('')
family( inet ) int extract family of address; 4 for IPv4, 6 for IPv6 family('::1') 6
host( inet ) text extract IP address as text host('')
hostmask( inet ) inet construct host mask for network hostmask('')
masklen( inet ) int extract netmask length masklen('') 24
netmask( inet ) inet construct netmask for network netmask('')
network( inet ) cidr extract network part of address network('')
set_masklen( inet , int ) inet set netmask length for inet value set_masklen('', 16)
set_masklen( cidr , int ) cidr set netmask length for cidr value set_masklen(''::cidr, 16)
text( inet ) text extract IP address and netmask length as text text(inet '')

Any cidr value can be cast to inet implicitly or explicitly; therefore, the functions shown above as operating on inet also work on cidr values. (Where there are separate functions for inet and cidr , it is because the behavior should be different for the two cases.) Also, it is permitted to cast an inet value to cidr . When this is done, any bits to the right of the netmask are silently zeroed to create a valid cidr value. In addition, you can cast a text value to inet or cidr using normal casting syntax: for example, inet( expression ) or colname ::cidr .

Table 9-36 shows the functions available for use with the macaddr type. The function trunc( macaddr ) returns a MAC address with the last 3 bytes set to zero. This can be used to associate the remaining prefix with a manufacturer.

Table 9-36. macaddr Functions

Function Return Type Description Example Result
trunc( macaddr ) macaddr set last 3 bytes to zero trunc(macaddr '12:34:56:78:90:ab') 12:34:56:00:00:00

The macaddr type also supports the standard relational operators ( > , <= , etc.) for lexicographical ordering, and the bitwise arithmetic operators ( ~ , & and | ) for NOT, AND and OR.