
The basic principle of security is to connect the server to the database with a user that has just the access you want it to have, and no more. (Note: Postgres uses the term database role when discussing user access permisions.)

Start with a new, blank user. A blank user has no select privileges on tables it does not own. It does have execute privileges on functions. However, the user has no select privileges on tables accessed by functions, so effectively the user will still have no access to data.

CREATE USER featureserver;

To support different access patterns, create different users with access to different tables/functions. Then run multiple service instances, connecting with those different users.

Table and View Access

If your tables are in a schema other than public, you must also grant usage on that schema to your user.

GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA myschema TO featureserver;

You can then grant access to the user one table at a time.

GRANT SELECT ON TABLE myschema.mytable TO featureserver;

Alternatively, you can grant access to all the tables at once.


Function Access

As noted above, functions that access table data effectively are restricted by the access levels the user has to the tables the function reads. If you want to completely restrict access to the function, including visibility in the user interface, you can strip execution privileges from the function.

-- All functions grant execute to 'public' and all roles are
-- part of the 'public' group, so public has to be removed
-- from the executors of the function
REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postgisftw.myfunction FROM public;
-- Just to be sure, also revoke execute from the user
REVOKE EXECUTE ON FUNCTION postgisftw.myfunction FROM featureserver;