

  • PostgreSQL 9.5 or later
  • PostGIS 2.4 or later

The tile server depends on the ST_AsMVT() function, which is only available if PostGIS has been compiled with support for the libprotobuf library. See the output from PostGIS_Full_Version, for example:

SELECT postgis_full_version()
POSTGIS="3.0.1" [EXTENSION] PGSQL="121" GEOS="3.8.0-CAPI-1.13.1 "
PROJ="6.1.0" LIBXML="2.9.4" LIBJSON="0.13"
LIBPROTOBUF="1.3.2" WAGYU="0.4.3 (Internal)"

You don’t need advanced knowledge in Postgres/PostGIS or web mapping to install pg_tileserv and set up the examples in this guide. If you are new to functions in Postgres, you might try this quick interactive course to better see how you might take advantage of pg_tileserv’s capabilities.

We also link to further resources at the end of this guide, for your reference.


To install pg_tileserv, download the binary file. Alternatively, you may run a container. These first two options will suit most use cases; needing to build the executable from source is rare.

A. Download binaries

Builds of the latest code:

Unzip the file, copy the pg_tileserv binary wherever you wish, or use it in place. If you move the binary, remember to move the assets/ directory to the same location, or start the server using the AssetsDir configuration option.

B. Run container

A Docker image is available on DockerHub:

When you run the container, provide the database connection information in the DATABASE_URL environment variable and map the default service port (7800).

docker run -e DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:pass@host/dbname -p 7800:7800 pramsey/pg_tileserv

C. Build from source

If you must build from source, install the Go software development environment. Make sure that the GOPATH environment variable is also set.

mkdir -p $SRC
cd $SRC
git clone
cd pg_tileserv
go build
go install

To run the build, set the DATABASE_URL environment variable to the database you want to connect to, and run the binary.

export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:pass@host/dbname


Basic operation


export DATABASE_URL=postgresql://username:password@host/dbname


SET DATABASE_URL=postgresql://username:password@host/dbname

Configuration file

The configuration file will be automatically read from the following locations, if it exists:

  • Relative to the directory from which the program is run, ./config/pg_tileserv.toml
  • In a root volume at /config/pg_tileserv.toml
  • In the system configuration directory, at /etc/pg_tileserv.toml

If you want to pass a path directly to the configuration file, use the --config command line parameter.

Configuration files in other locations will be ignored when using the --config option.

./pg_tileserv --config /opt/pg_tileserv/pg_tileserv.toml

The default settings will suit most uses, and the program autodetects values such as the server name.

# Database connection
DbConnection = "user=you host=localhost dbname=yourdb"
# Close pooled connections after this interval
DbPoolMaxConnLifeTime = "1h"
# Hold no more than this number of connections in the database pool
DbPoolMaxConns = 4
# Look to read html templates from this directory
AssetsPath = "./assets"
# Accept connections on this subnet (default accepts on all subnets)
HttpHost = ""
# Accept connections on this port
HttpPort = 7800
# Advertise URLs relative to this server name
# default is to look this up from incoming request headers
# UrlBase = ""
# Resolution to quantize vector tiles to
DefaultResolution = 4096
# Rendering buffer to add to vector tiles
DefaultBuffer = 256
# Limit number of features requested (-1 = no limit)
MaxFeaturesPerTile = 50000
# Advertise this minimum zoom level
DefaultMinZoom = 0
# Advertise this maximum zoom level
DefaultMaxZoom = 22
# Allow any page to consume these tiles
CORSOrigins = *
# Output extra logging information?
Debug = false