Appendix A. Appendix

Appendix A. Appendix

Release Notes

A.1. PostGIS 3.4.3


Bug Fixes

5766 , Always report invalid non-null MBR of universal face (Sandro Santilli)

5709 , Fix loose mbr in topology.face on ST_ChangeEdgeGeom (Sandro Santilli)

5698 , Fix robustness issue splitting line by vertex very close to endpoints, affecting topology population functions (Sandro Santilli)

5649 , ST_Value should return NULL on missing band (Paul Ramsey)

5677 , ST_Union(geom[]) should unary union single entry arrays (Paul Ramsey)

5679 , Remove spurious COMMIT statements from sfcgal script (Sandro Santilli, Loïc Bartoletti)

5680 , Fix populate_topology_layer with standard_conforming_strings set to off (Sandro Santilli)

5589 , ST_3DDistance error for shared first point (Paul Ramsey)

5686 , ST_NumInteriorRings and Triangle crash (Paul Ramsey)

5666 , Build reproducibility: timestamps in extension upgrade SQL scripts (James Addison)

5671 , Bug in ST_Area function with use_spheroid=false (Paul Ramsey, Regina Obe)

5687 , Don't rely on search_path to determine postgis schema. Fix for PG17 security change (Regina Obe)

5695 , [address_standardizer_data_us] standardize_address incorrect handling of directionals (Regina Obe)

5653 , Do not simplify away points when linestring doubles back on itself (Paul Ramsey)

5720 , Correctly mangle special column names in shp2pgsql (Paul Ramsey)

5734 , Estimate geography extent more correctly (Paul Ramsey)

5752 , ST_ClosestPoint(geography) error (Paul Ramsey)

5740 , ST_DistanceSpheroid(geometry) incorrectly handles polygons (Paul Ramsey)

5765 , Handle nearly co-linear edges with slightly less slop (Paul Ramsey)

5745 , St_AsLatLonText rounding errors (Paul Ramsey)

A.2. PostGIS 3.4.2


This version requires PostgreSQL 12-16, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 6.1+. To take advantage of all features, GEOS 3.12+ is needed. To take advantage of all SFCGAL featurs, SFCGAL 1.4.1+ is needed.

NOTE: GEOS 3.12.1 details at GEOS 3.12.1 release notes

Bug Fixes

5633 , Fix load, upgrade and usage with standard_conforming_strings set to off (Sandro Santilli, Regina Obe)

5571 , Memory over-allocation for narrow inputs (Paul Ramsey)

5610 , Allow Nan and infinity again in ST_SetPoint (Regina Obe)

5627 , Handling of EMPTY components in PiP check (Paul Ramsey)

5629 , Handling EMPTY components in repeated point removal (Paul Ramsey)

5604 , Handle distance between collections with empty elements (Paul Ramsey)

5635 , Handle NaN points in ST_Split (Regina Obe)

5648 , postgis_raster upgrade fails on PG16 (Ronan Dunklau)

5646 , Crash on collections with empty members (Paul Ramsey)

5580 , Handle empty collection components in 3d distance (Paul Ramsey)

5639 , ST_DFullyWithin line/poly error case (Paul Ramsey)

5662 , Change XML parsers to SAX2 (Paul Ramsey)

A.3. PostGIS 3.4.1


NOTE: GEOS 3.12.1 details at GEOS 3.12.1 release notes

Bug Fixes

5541 , Fix --without-gui configure switch (Chris Mayo)

5558 , Fix uninitialized variable in ST_AsMVTGeom (Sandro Santilli)

5590 , Fix script-based load of topology.sql (Sandro Santilli)

5574 , #5575, #5576, #5577, #5578, #5579, #5569 Fix restore of postgis dumps since 2.1 (Sandro Santilli)

5568 , Improve robustness of topology face split handling (Sandro Santilli)

5548 , Fix box-filtered validity check of topologies with edge-less faces (Sandro Santilli)

5485 , Fix postgis script on OpenBSD (Sandro Santilli)

5516 , Fix upgrade with views using deprecated function, among which: ST_AddBand (#5509), ST_AsGeoJSON (#5523) ST_AsKML (#5524) ST_Aspect (#5491), ST_BandIsNoData (#5510), ST_BandMetadata (#5502), ST_BandNoDataValue (#5503), ST_BandPath (#5511), ST_BandPixelType (#5512), ST_Clip (#5488), ST_Count (#5517), ST_GeoReference (#5514), ST_Intersects(raster, ...) (#5489), ST_LineCrossingDirection (#5518) ST_MakeEmptyRaster (#5508), ST_MapAlgebraFCT (#5500), ST_Polygon(raster, ...) (#5507), ST_SetBandIsNoData (#5505), ST_SetBandNoDataValue (#5506), ST_SetGeoreference (#5504), ST_SetValue (#5519), ST_Slope (#5490), ST_SummaryStats (#5515), ST_TileEnvelope (#5499) ST_Value (#5513, #5484), toTopoGeom (#5526). (Sandro Santilli)

5494 , Fix double-upgrade with view using st_dwithin(text, ...) (Sandro Santilli)

5479 , postgis_full_version() and postgis_gdal_version() sometimes warn of deprecated SRID: 2163 (Regina Obe)

Include elevation in output of ST_Contour when in polygonal mode (Paul Ramsey)

5482 , New Proj output is only available for proj 7.1+ (Regina Obe)

Fix JsonB casting issue (Paul Ramsey)

5535 , Cleanup String handling in debug_standardize_address and standardize_address (Regina Obe)

5605 , Fix regression failure with GEOS 3.13, main branch (Regina Obe)

5603 , [postgis_tiger_geocoder] Change to load 2023 Census Tiger/Line (Regina Obe)

5525 , [postgis_tiger_geocoder],[postgis_topology] Regression failure when installed by non-superuser (Regina Obe, Sandro Santilli)

5581 , ST_Project(geometry, float, float) is using longitudes as latitudes (Regina obe)


5492 , Have postgis script report presence of deprecated functions (Sandro Santilli)

5493 , Always try to drop deprecated function on upgrade (Sandro Santilli)

A.4. PostGIS 3.4.0


This version requires PostgreSQL 12-16, GEOS 3.6 or higher, and Proj 6.1+. To take advantage of all features, GEOS 3.12+ is needed. To take advantage of all SFCGAL featurs, SFCGAL 1.4.1+ is needed.

NOTE: GEOS 3.12.0 details at GEOS 3.12.0 release notes

Many thanks to our translation teams, in particular:

Teramoto Ikuhiro (Japanese Team)

Vincent Bre (French Team)

There are 2 new ./configure switches:

  • --disable-extension-upgrades-install, will skip installing all the extension upgrade scripts except for the ANY--currentversion. If you use this, you can install select upgrades using the postgis commandline tool

  • --without-pgconfig, will build just the commandline tools raster2pgsql and shp2pgsql even if PostgreSQL is not installed

New features

5055 , complete manual internationalization (Sandro Santilli)

5052 , target version support in postgis_extensions_upgrade (Sandro Santilli)

5306 , expose version of GEOS at compile time (Sandro Santilli)

New install-extension-upgrades command in postgis script (Sandro Santilli)

5257 , 5261 , 5277 , Support changes for PostgreSQL 16 (Regina Obe)

5006 , 705 , ST_Transform: Support PROJ pipelines (Robert Coup, Koordinates)

5283 , [postgis_topology] RenameTopology (Sandro Santilli)

5286 , [postgis_topology] RenameTopoGeometryColumn (Sandro Santilli)

703 , [postgis_raster] Add min/max resampling as options (Christian Schroeder)

5336 , [postgis_topology] topogeometry cast to topoelement support (Regina Obe)

Allow singleton geometry to be inserted into Geometry(Multi*) columns (Paul Ramsey)

721 , New window-based ST_ClusterWithinWin and ST_ClusterIntersectingWin (Paul Ramsey)

5397 , [address_standardizer] debug_standardize_address function (Regina Obe)

5373 ST_LargestEmptyCircle, exposes extra semantics on circle finding. Geos 3.9+ required(Martin Davis)

5267 , ST_Project signature for geometry, and two-point signature (Paul Ramsey)

5267 , ST_LineExtend for extending linestrings (Paul Ramsey)

New coverage functions ST_CoverageInvalidEdges, ST_CoverageSimplify, ST_CoverageUnion (Paul Ramsey)


5194 , do not update system catalogs from postgis_extensions_upgrade (Sandro Santilli)

5092 , reduce number of upgrade paths installed on system (Sandro Santilli)

635 , honour --bindir (and --prefix) configure switch for executables (Sandro Santilli)

Honour --mandir (and --prefix) configure switch for man pages install path (Sandro Santilli)

Honour --htmldir (and --docdir and --prefix) configure switch for html pages install path (Sandro Santilli)

5447 Manual pages added for postgis and postgis_restore utilities (Sandro Santilli)

[postgis_topology] Speed up check of topology faces without edges (Sandro Santilli)

[postgis_topology] Speed up coincident nodes check in topology validation (Sandro Santilli)

718 , ST_QuantizeCoordinates(): speed-up implementation (Even Rouault)

Repair spatial planner stats to use computed selectivity for contains/within queries (Paul Ramsey)

734 , Additional metadata on Proj installation in postgis_proj_version (Paul Ramsey)

5177 , Allow building tools without PostgreSQL server headers. Respect prefix/bin for tools install (Sandro Santilli)

ST_Project signature for geometry, and two-point signature (Paul Ramsey)

4913 , ST_AsSVG support for curve types CircularString, CompoundCurve, MultiCurve, and MultiSurface (Regina Obe)

5266 , ST_ClosestPoint, ST_ShortestLine, ST_LineSubString support for geography type (MobilityDB Esteban Zimanyi, Maxime Schoemans, Paul Ramsey)

Breaking Changes

5229 , Drop support for Proj < 6.1 and PG 11 (Regina Obe)

5306 , 734 , postgis_full_version() and postgis_proj_version() now output more information about proj network configuration and data paths. GEOS compile-time version also shown if different from run-time (Paul Ramsey, Sandro Santilli)

5447 , renamed to postgis_restore (Sandro Santilli)

Utilities now installed in OS bin or user specified --bindir and --prefix instead of postgresql bin and extension stripped except on windows (postgis, postgis_restore, shp2pgsql, raster2pgsql, pgsql2shp, pgtopo_import, pgtopo_export)