
Installing PGO Using Helm

This section provides instructions for installing and configuring PGO using Helm.


First, go to GitHub and fork the Postgres Operator examples repository, which contains the PGO Helm installer.


Once you have forked this repo, you can download it to your working environment with a command similar to this:

YOUR_GITHUB_UN="<your GitHub username>"
git clone --depth 1 "git@github.com:${YOUR_GITHUB_UN}/postgres-operator-examples.git"
cd postgres-operator-examples

The PGO Helm chart is located in the helm/install directory of this repository.


The values.yaml file for the Helm chart contains all of the available configuration settings for PGO. The default values.yaml settings should work in most Kubernetes environments, but it may require some customization depending on your specific environment and needs.

For instance, it might be necessary to customize the image tags that are utilized using the image setting:

  repository: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata
  tag: "ubi8-5.0.0-0"

Please note that the values.yaml file is located in helm/install.

Installation Mode

When PGO is installed, it can be configured to manage PostgreSQL clusters in all namespaces within the Kubernetes cluster, or just those within a single namespace. When managing PostgreSQL clusters in all namespaces, a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding is created to ensure PGO has the permissions it requires to properly manage PostgreSQL clusters across all namespaces. However, when PGO is configured to manage PostgreSQL clusters within a single namespace only, a Role and RoleBinding is created instead.

In order to select between these two modes when installing PGO using Helm, the singleNamespace setting in the values.yaml file can be utilized:

singleNamespace: false

Specifically, if this setting is set to false (which is the default), then a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding will be created, and PGO will manage PostgreSQL clusters in all namespaces. However, if this setting is set to true, then a Role and RoleBinding will be created instead, allowing PGO to only manage PostgreSQL clusters in the same namespace utilized when installing the the PGO Helm chart.


Once you have configured the Helm chart according to your specific needs, it can then be installed using helm:

helm install <name> -n <namespace> helm/install

Upgrade and Uninstall

And once PGO has been installed, it can then be upgraded and uninstalled using applicable helm commands:

helm upgrade <name> -n <namespace> helm/install
helm uninstall <name> -n <namespace>