PGO Monitoring

The PGO Monitoring stack is a fully integrated solution for monitoring and visualizing metrics captured from PostgreSQL clusters created using PGO. By leveraging pgMonitor to configure and integrate the various tools, components and metrics needed to effectively monitor PostgreSQL clusters, PGO Monitoring provides an powerful and easy-to-use solution to effectively monitor and visualize pertinent PostgreSQL database and container metrics. Included in the monitoring infrastructure are the following components:

  • pgMonitor - Provides the configuration needed to enable the effective capture and visualization of PostgreSQL database metrics using the various tools comprising the PostgreSQL Operator Monitoring infrastructure
  • Grafana - Enables visual dashboard capabilities for monitoring PostgreSQL clusters, specifically using Crunchy PostgreSQL Exporter data stored within Prometheus
  • Prometheus - A multi-dimensional data model with time series data, which is used in collaboration with the Crunchy PostgreSQL Exporter to provide and store metrics
  • Alertmanager - Handles alerts sent by Prometheus by deduplicating, grouping, and routing them to reciever integrations.

By leveraging the installation method described in this section, PGO Monitoring can be deployed alongside PGO.