
pgo update namespace

Update a namespace, applying Operator RBAC


UPDATE allows you to update a Namespace. For example: pgo update namespace mynamespace

pgo update namespace [flags]


  -h, --help   help for namespace

Options inherited from parent commands

      --apiserver-url string     The URL for the PostgreSQL Operator apiserver.
      --debug                    Enable debugging when true.
  -n, --namespace string         The namespace to use for pgo requests.
      --pgo-ca-cert string       The CA Certificate file path for authenticating to the PostgreSQL Operator apiserver.
      --pgo-client-cert string   The Client Certificate file path for authenticating to the PostgreSQL Operator apiserver.
      --pgo-client-key string    The Client Key file path for authenticating to the PostgreSQL Operator apiserver.


  • pgo update - Update a pgouser, pgorole, or cluster
Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 4-Oct-2019