PGO CLI Overview

PGO Command Line Interface (PGO CLI)

One of the suppport methods of interacting with the PostgreSQL Operator is through the command line tool, pgo CLI.

The PGO CLI is downloaded from the GitHub Releases page for the PostgreSQL Operator (

The pgo client is provided in Mac, Windows, and Linux binary formats, download the appropriate client to your local laptop or workstation to work with a remote Operator.

PGO CLI Syntax

Use the following syntax to run pgo commands from your terminal window:

pgo [command] ([TYPE] [NAME]) [flags]

Where command is a verb like:

  • show
  • create
  • delete

And type is a resource type like:

  • cluster
  • policy
  • user

And name is the name of the resource type like:

  • mycluster
  • somesqlpolicy
  • john

To get detailed help information and command flag descriptions on each pgo command, enter:

pgo [command] -h

PGO CLI Operations

The following table shows the pgo operations currently implemented:

Operation Syntax Description
apply pgo apply mypolicy –selector=name=mycluster Apply a SQL policy on a Postgres cluster(s) that have a label matching service-name=mycluster
backup pgo backup mycluster Perform a backup on a Postgres cluster(s)
create pgo create cluster mycluster Create an Operator resource type (e.g. cluster, policy, schedule, user)
delete pgo delete cluster mycluster Delete an Operator resource type (e.g. cluster, policy, user, schedule)
ls pgo ls mycluster Perform a Linux ls command on the cluster.
cat pgo cat mycluster Perform a Linux ls command on the cluster.
df pgo df mycluster Display the disk status/capacity of a Postgres cluster.
failover pgo failover mycluster Perform a manual failover of a Postgres cluster.
help pgo help Display general pgo help information.
label pgo label mycluster –label=environment=prod Create a metadata label for a Postgres cluster(s).
load pgo load –load-config=load.json –selector=name=mycluster Perform a data load into a Postgres cluster(s).
reload pgo reload mycluster Perform a pg_ctl reload command on a Postgres cluster(s).
restore pgo restore mycluster Perform a pgbackrest or pgdump restore on a Postgres cluster.
scale pgo scale mycluster Create a Postgres replica(s) for a given Postgres cluster.
scaledown pgo scaledown mycluster –query Delete a replica from a Postgres cluster.
show pgo show cluster mycluster Display Operator resource information (e.g. cluster, user, policy, schedule).
status pgo status Display Operator status.
test pgo test mycluster Perform a SQL test on a Postgres cluster(s).
update pgo update cluster –label=autofail=false Update a Postgres cluster(s).
upgrade pgo upgrade mycluster Perform a minor upgrade to a Postgres cluster(s).
user pgo user –selector=name=mycluster –update-passwords Perform Postgres user maintenance on a Postgres cluster(s).
version pgo version Display Operator version information.