
Installing PGO Monitoring Using Kustomize

This section provides instructions for installing and configuring PGO Monitoring using Kustomize.


First, go to GitHub and fork the Postgres Operator examples repository, which contains the PGO Monitoring Kustomize installer.


Once you have forked this repo, you can download it to your working environment with a command similar to this:

YOUR_GITHUB_UN="<your GitHub username>"
git clone --depth 1 "git@github.com:${YOUR_GITHUB_UN}/postgres-operator-examples.git"
cd postgres-operator-examples

The PGO Monitoring project is located in the kustomize/monitoring directory.


While the default Kustomize install should work in most Kubernetes environments, it may be necessary to further customize the project according to your specific needs.

For instance, by default fsGroup is set to 26 for the securityContext defined for the various Deployments comprising the PGO Monitoring stack:

  fsGroup: 26

In most Kubernetes environments this setting is needed to ensure processes within the container have the permissions needed to write to any volumes mounted to each of the Pods comprising the PGO Monitoring stack. However, when installing in an OpenShift environment (and more specifically when using the restricted Security Context Constraint), the fsGroup setting should be removed since OpenShift will automatically handle setting the proper fsGroup within the Pod’s securityContext.

Additionally, within this same section it may also be necessary to modify the supplmentalGroups setting according to your specific storage configuration:

  supplementalGroups : 65534

Therefore, the following files (located under kustomize/monitoring) should be modified and/or patched (e.g. using additional overlays) as needed to ensure the securityContext is properly defined for your Kubernetes environment:

  • deploy-alertmanager.yaml
  • deploy-grafana.yaml
  • deploy-prometheus.yaml

And to modify the configuration for the various storage resources (i.e. PersistentVolumeClaims) created by the PGO Monitoring installer, the kustomize/monitoring/pvcs.yaml file can also be modfied.

Additionally, it is also possible to further customize the configuration for the various components comprising the PGO Monitoring stack (Grafana, Prometheus and/or AlertManager) by modifying the following configuration resources:

  • alertmanager-config.yaml
  • alertmanager-rules-config.yaml
  • grafana-datasources.yaml
  • prometheus-config.yaml

Finally, please note that the default username and password for Grafana can be updated by modifying the Grafana Secret in file kustomize/monitoring/grafana-secret.yaml.


Once the Kustomize project has been modified according to your specific needs, PGO Monitoring can then be installed using kubectl and Kustomize:

kubectl apply -k kustomize/monitoring


And similarly, once PGO Monitoring has been installed, it can uninstalled using kubectl and Kustomize:

kubectl delete -k kustomize/monitoring