
Once Crunchy Postgres for Kuberentes (CPK) v5 has been installed with Helm, it can then be upgraded using the helm upgrade command. However, before running the upgrade command, any CustomResourceDefinitions (CRDs) must first be manually updated. (This is specifically due to a design decision in Helm v3, in which any CRDs in the Helm chart are only applied when using the helm install command.)

If you would like, before upgrading the CRDs, you can review the changes with kubectl diff. They can be verbose, so a pager like less may be useful:

kubectl diff -f helm/install/crds | less

Use the following command to update the CRDs using server-side apply before running helm upgrade. The --force-conflicts flag tells Kubernetes that you recognize Helm created the CRDs during helm install.

kubectl apply --server-side --force-conflicts -f helm/install/crds

Then, perform the upgrade using Helm:

helm upgrade $NAME -n $NAMESPACE

Upgrading from CPK v5.3.x and Below

CPK versions earlier than v5.4.0 include a pgo-upgrade deployment. When upgrading to v5.4.x, users should expect the pgo-upgrade deployment to be deleted automatically.

Upgrading from CPK v5.0.x and below

Upgrading from these versions of CPK requires additional steps. Please reference the v5.1.8 Upgrade documentation for more information. Once you have completed the steps to upgrade to CPK v5.1.8, you can continue your upgrade normally.