Upgrading PGO v5 Using Kustomize

If you installed PGO using Kustomize and a kubectl apply command, you can upgrade in most cases as simply as re-running the command after you've pulled in the new changes. For instance, assuming you are using the PGO installation from the Postgres Operator examples repository, you would simply issue the command:

kubectl apply --server-side -k kustomize/install/default

Upgrading from PGO v5.3.x and Below

PGO versions from 5.1.x through 5.3.x include a pgo-upgrade deployment, which is no longer needed. After upgrading to v5.4.x, delete the deployment:

kubectl delete deployment pgo-upgrade

Upgrading from PGO v5.0.5 and Below

Starting in PGO v5.1, new pgBackRest features available in version 2.38 are used that impact both the crunchy-postgres and crunchy-pgbackrest images. For any clusters created before v5.0.6, you will need to update these image values BEFORE upgrading to PGO v5.1 and higher. These changes will need to be made in one of two places, depending on your desired configuration.

If you are setting the image values on your PostgresCluster manifest, you would update the images value as shown (updating the image values as appropriate for your environment):

apiVersion: postgres-operator.crunchydata.com/v1beta1
kind: PostgresCluster
  name: hippo
  image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-postgres:ubi8-15.8-0
  postgresVersion: 15
    image: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/crunchy-pgbackrest:ubi8-2.52.1-1

After updating these values, you will apply these changes to your PostgresCluster custom resources. After these changes are completed and the new images are in place, you may update PGO.

If you are instead using the RELATED_IMAGE environment variables to set the image values, you would instead check and update these as needed before redeploying PGO.

For Kustomize installations, these RELATED_IMAGE environment variables can be found in the manager directory and manager.yaml file. Besides updating the RELATED_IMAGE_PGBACKREST value, you will also need to update the relevant Postgres image for your environment. For example, if you are using PostgreSQL 14, you would update the value for RELATED_IMAGE_POSTGRES_14. If instead, you are using the PostGIS 3.1 enabled PostgreSQL 13 image, you would update the value for RELATED_IMAGE_POSTGRES_13_GIS_3.1.

Once these values have been properly verified, you may deploy PGO 5.3.9.

Upgrading from PGO v5.0.2 and Below

As a result of changes to pgBackRest dedicated repository host deployments in PGO v5.0.3 (please see the PGO v5.0.3 release notes for more details), reconciliation of a pgBackRest dedicated repository host might become stuck with the following error (as shown in the PGO logs) following an upgrade from PGO versions v5.0.0 through v5.0.2:

StatefulSet.apps "hippo-repo-host" is invalid: spec: Forbidden: updates to statefulset spec for fields other than 'replicas', 'template', 'updateStrategy' and 'minReadySeconds' are forbidden

If this is the case, proceed with deleting the pgBackRest dedicated repository host StatefulSet, and PGO will then proceed with recreating and reconciling the dedicated repository host normally:

kubectl delete sts hippo-repo-host

Additionally, please be sure to update and apply all PostgresCluster custom resources in accordance with any applicable spec changes described in the PGO v5.0.3 release notes.

Upgrading from PGO v5.0.0

Starting with PGO v5.0.1, both the Deployment and ServiceAccount created when installing PGO via the installers in the Postgres Operator examples repository have been renamed from postgres-operator to pgo. As a result of this change, if using Kustomize to install PGO and upgrading from PGO v5.0.0, the following step must be completed prior to upgrading. This will ensure multiple versions of PGO are not installed and running concurrently within your Kubernetes environment.

Prior to upgrading PGO, first manually delete the PGO v5.0.0 postgres-operator Deployment and ServiceAccount:

kubectl -n postgres-operator delete deployment,serviceaccount postgres-operator

Then, once both the Deployment and ServiceAccount have been deleted, proceed with upgrading PGO by applying the new version of the Kustomize installer:

kubectl apply --server-side -k kustomize/install/default