Release Notes
Here you'll find the release notes divided by major release from 5.x onward. For earlier releases that are current in extended support and not receiving new fixes please refer to those versions of the documentation.
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.8.x Release notes
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.7.x Release notes
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.6.x Release notes
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.5.x Release notes
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.4.x Release notes
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.3.x Release Notes
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.2.x Release Notes
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.1.x Release Notes
- Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes 5.0.x Release Notes