

Any anonymization process has a price as it will consume CPU time, RAM space and probably a bunch of disk I/O… Here’s a a quick overview of the question depending on what strategy you are using….

In a nutshell, the anonymization performances will mainly depend on 2 important factors:

  • The size of the database
  • The number of masking rules

Static Masking

Basically what static masking does it rewrite entirely the masked tables on disk. This may be slow depending on your environment. And during this process, the tables will be locked.

As an example: Anonymizing a 44GB database with 29 masking rules on an AWS EC2 instance takes approximately 25 minutes (see MR 107 for more details).

In this case, the cost of anonymization is “paid” by all the users but it is paid once and for all.

Dynamic Masking

With dynamic masking, the real data is replaced on-the-fly every time a masked user sends a query to the database. This means that the masking users will have slower response time than regular (unmasked) users. This is generally ok because usually masked users are not considered as important as the regular ones.

If you apply 3 or 4 rules to a table, the response time for the masked users should approx. 20% to 30% slower thant for the normal users.

As the masking rules are applied for each queries of the masked users, the dynamic masking is appropriate when you have a limited number of masked users that connect only from time to time to the database. For instance, a data analyst connecting once a week to generate a business report.

If there are multiple masked users or if a masked user is very active, you should probably export the masked data once-a-week on a secondary instance and let these users connect to this secondary instance.

In this case, the cost of anonymization is “paid” only by the masked users.

Anonymous Dumps

Some benchmarks made in march 2022 suggest that the pg_dump_anon wrapper is twice as slow as the regular pg_dump tool.

If the backup process of your database takes 1 hour with pg_dump, then anonymizing and exporting the entire database with pg_dump_anon will probably take 2 hours.

In this case, the cost of anonymization is “paid” by the user asking for the anonymous export. Other users of the database will not be affected.

How to speed things up ?

Prefer MASKED WITH VALUE whenever possible

It is always faster to replace the original data with a static value instead of calling a masking function.


If you need to anonymize data for testing purpose, chances are that a smaller subset of your database will be enough. In that case, you can easily speed up the anonymization by downsizing the volume of data. There are multiple ways to extract a sample of database:

Materialized Views

Dynamic masking is not always required! In some cases, it is more efficient to build Materialized Views instead.

For instance:

    anon.random_last_name() AS name,
    anon.random_date_between('1920-01-01'::DATE,now()) AS birth,
FROM customer;