PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.1.0 Released


  • Support fetching a REF_CURSOR using getObject PR 809


  • Fix data being truncated in setCharacterStream (bug introduced in 42.0.0) PR 802
  • Fix calculation of lastReceiveLSN for logical replication PR 801
  • Make sure org.postgresql. Driver is loaded when accessing though DataSource interface Issue 768


  • There’s no 42.1.0.jre6 version due to infinity handling bug. Fixed in 42.1.1.jre6

Commits by author

Alexander Kjäll (1):

Daniel Migowski (1):

  • feat: improve waiting for notifications by providing a timeout option PR 778 a7e0c83b

Dave Cramer (4):

Jacques Fuentes (1):

James (1):

  • fix: use SQLWarning(String reason) constructor for correct DriverManager PR 751 74a426b9

Joe Kutner (1):

  • fix: Only resolve hostname if not using a SOCKS proxy PR 774 480b0cf1

Jorge Solorzano (3):

Philippe Marschall (1):

Robert Zenz (1):

  • fix: function calls without parameters do not require parentheses 2958cc22

Vladimir Gordiychuk (2):

Vladimir Sitnikov (3):

  • fix: make sure org.postgresql. Driver is loaded when accessing though DataSource interface PR 768 9c80adc2
  • refactor: add encoding, fix expected/actual, use proper constructor 77cace40
  • fix: infinity handling for java.time types PR 789 f375701b

slmsbrhgn (1):

  • bug: fix data being truncated in setCharacterStream (the bug introduced in 42.0.0) PR 802 28c98418

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

Alexander Kjäll

Daniel Migowski

Dave Cramer

Jacques Fuentes


Joe Kutner

Jorge Solorzano

Philippe Marschall

Robert Zenz

Vladimir Gordiychuk

Vladimir Sitnikov
