PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.11 Released

We have released 42.2.12 to correct regressions in this version: Specifically

  • PR 1729 was reverted as this is a breaking change
  • PR 1719 has been reverted as it introduced errors in the PgType Cache

We recommend that this version 42.2.11 not be used.


  • Reverted PR 1641. The driver will now wait for EOF when sending cancel signals.
  • DatabaseMetaData#getProcedures returns only procedures (not functions) for PostgreSQL 11+ PR 1723
  • Convert silent rollbacks into exception if application sends commit or xa.prepare command PR 1729


  • Convert silent rollbacks into exception if application sends commit or xa.prepare command PR 1729
  • feat: Expose ByteStreamWriter in CopyManager PR 1702
  • feat: add way to distinguish base and partitioned tables in PgDatabaseMetaData.getTables PR 1708
  • refactor: introduce tuple abstraction (rebased) PR 1701
  • refactor: make PSQLState enum consts for integrity constraint violations PR 1699
  • test: add makefile to create ssl certs PR 1706


  • fix: Always use . as decimal separator in PGInterval PR 1705
  • fix: allow DatabaseMetaData.getColumns to describe an unset scale PR 1716

Commits by author

Dave Cramer (4):

Lőrinc Pap (2):

Magnus Reftel (1):

Markus Winand (1):

Mike Goodman (4):

  • refactor: make PSQLState enum consts for integrity constraint violations PR 1699 cc31c13f
  • feat: add way to distinguish base and partitioned tables in PgDatabaseMetaData.getTables PR 1708 25eb32c8
  • fix: add support for full names of data types PR 1719 f554118a
  • fix: getProcedures returns only procedures (not functions) for psql11+ PR 1723 5fbe0462

Nick Mancuso (1):

Sehrope Sarkuni (2):

  • fix: Correct sort order of PGProperty. ASSUME_MIN_SERVER_VERSION 3ea08125
  • test: Add test to check sort order of PGProperty values aa1b93f1

Toddy69 (1):

Vladimir Sitnikov (11):

  • test: skip PKCS12KeyTest when enable_ssl_tests is not set 6730f3fe
  • test: add makefile for creating test certificates 202f88e1
  • Revert “fix: remove receiving EOF from backend after cancel since according to protocol the server closes the connection once cancel is sent (connection reset exception is always thrown) PR 1641ca1f60ff
  • Revert “fix unstable test. Originally this would loop creating many statements, now it should timeout properly PR 16505eabe1ae
  • style: compute nanoseconds with TimeUnit. SECONDS.toNanos b004c706
  • revert: use simple executor.shutdown() in testFastCloses fc5467c6
  • Move CopyBothResponseTest to replication folder 2509b663
  • doc: fix HTML5 errors in javadoc 161ea249
  • fix: convert silent rollbacks into exception if application sends commit command PR 1729 adcb194e
  • chore: add continuation_indent_size = 4 to .editorconfig for *.java 45d5831e
  • chore: remove end_of_line = lf from .editorconfig for .java 7ce254d2

adrklos (1):

crwr45 (1):

  • fix: allow DatabaseMetaData.getColumns to describe an unset scale PR 1716 30843e45

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.



Dave Cramer

Lőrinc Pap

Magnus Reftel

Markus Winand

Mike Goodman

Nick Mancuso

Sehrope Sarkuni


Vladimir Sitnikov