PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.23 Released


  • renewed the SSL keys for testing


  • getColumnPrecision for Numeric when scale and precision not specified now returns 0 instead of 131089 fixes: Issue #2188
  • Calling refreshRow on an updateable resultset made the row readOnly. Fixes Issue #2193
  • results should be updateable if there is a unique index available PR#2199 Fixes Issue #2196
  • Rework sql type gathering to use OID instead of typname. This does not have the issue of name shadowing / qual-names, and has the added benefit of fixing #1948.

Commits by author

Dave Cramer (2):

  • fix: back patch results should be updateable PR#2199
  • test: Regenerate TLS certs with new expirations (#2201)
  • backpatch PR 1949 (#2206) Rework sql type gathering to use OID instead of typname.