PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.15 Released

Known issues

  • The driver returns enum and jsonb arrays elements are returned as PGobject instances (fixed in 42.2.17)


  • Rename source distribution archive to postgresql-$version-jdbc-src.tar.gz, and add top-level archive folder ba017507
  • Add the ability to connect with a GSSAPI encrypted connection. As of PostgreSQL version 12 GSSAPI encrypted connections are possible. Now the driver will attempt to connect to the server with a GSSAPI encrypted connection. If that fails then attempt an SSL connection, finally falling back to a plain text connection. All of this is controlled using both the gssEncMode and sslMode parameters which, in concert with pg_hba.conf, determine if a particular mode is allowed and or required. PR 1821 ad921b9e
  • Source release archive shades dependencies (scram) by default. It affects only postgresql-version-src.tar.gz release artifact f0301eb9
  • Refactor decoding arrays PR 1194 0fd09396


  • Verify nullness with CheckerFramework 6e524ae5


  • Avoid preparedStatement leak when using updateable ResultSet via insert/update/refreshRow PR 1815 9a0d2b18
  • Change order of checks for oid vs primary keys. OID’s have been deprecated. PR 1613
  • Close certificate file stream. PR 1837 a40052c9
  • Make sure socketTimeout is enforced PR 1831 210b27a6
  • Assume PKCS-8 SSL key format by default PR 1819 80d4ed34
  • Preserve unquoted unicode whitespace in array literals PR 1266

Commits by author

Brett Okken (1):

Dave Cramer (12):

Eduardo Souza (1):

Mike Noordermeer (1):

Vladimir Sitnikov (18):

  • chore: configure method parameter wrapping in IntelliJ via editorconfig aa70d2f4
  • fix: avoid NPE when initializing SingleCertValidatingFactory with classpath resource and contextclassloader is null 0b7575a9
  • fix: avoid preparedStatement leak when using updateable ResultSet via insert/update/refreshRow PR 1815 9a0d2b18
  • chore: rename source distribution archive to postgresql-$version-jdbc-src.tar.gz, add top-level archive folder ba017507
  • chore: fix style in pgjbc/build.gradle.kts 44b12472
  • chore: move testgss to main.yml to avoid duplicate CI groups in GitHub Actions PR 1824 6d4dc763
  • tests: add gssEncMode to SslTest PR 1823 08bfc033
  • chore: add checkerframework for nullness verification 6e524ae5
  • doc: add null safety documentation to 2ba3028e
  • refactor: add nullness annotations 529e5dc3
  • test: reduce stdout verbosity of CopyLargeFileTest aa190cce
  • chore: add S3 Gradle build cache 67155873
  • chore: collect Gradle Build Scan from CI jobs 8b3bf922
  • fix: nullability annotations for LruCache/Gettable/GettableHashMap 34cd4f93
  • chore: enable local build cache, and use burrunan/gradle-cache-action@v1 for GitHub Actions caching 3802b453
  • chore: shade dependencies when building from the source archive f0301eb9
  • fix: use Assertions#assertThrows instead of Assert#assertThrows to keep the code junit 4.12 compatible 075bd102
  • docs: update the current version in e901ff74

azraino (1):

pip25 (2):

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.


Brett Okken

Dave Cramer

Eduardo Souza

Mike Noordermeer


Vladimir Sitnikov