PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.7.1 Released

Notable changes


  • perf: improve performance of PreparedStatement.setBlob, BlobInputStream, and BlobOutputStream with dynamic buffer sizing PR #3044


  • fix: Apply connectTimeout before SSLSocket.startHandshake to avoid infinite wait in case the connection is broken PR #3040
  • fix: support waffle-jna 2.x and 3.x by using reflective approach for ManagedSecBufferDesc PR #2720 Fixes Issue #2690.
  • fix: NoSuchMethodError on ByteBuffer#position When Running on Java 8 when accessing arrays, fixes Issue #3014
  • Revert “PR #2925 Use canonical DateStyle name” PR #3035 Fixes Issue #3008
  • Revert “PR ##2973 feat: support SET statements combining with other queries with semicolon in PreparedStatement” PR #3010 Fixes Issue #3007
  • fix: avoid timezone conversions when sending LocalDateTime to the database #2852 Fixes Issue #1390 ,Issue #2850 Closes Issue #1391

Commits by author

Vladimir Sitnikov (4):

  • Revert “PR #2925 Use canonical DateStyle name” PR #3035
  • Revert “PR ##2973 feat: support SET statements combining with other queries with semicolon in PreparedStatement” PR #3010
  • fix: NoSuchMethodError on ByteBuffer#position When Running on Java 8 when accessing arrays, fixes Issue #3014
  • fix: avoid timezone conversions when sending LocalDateTime to the database #2852

Dave Cramer (1):

  • fix: Apply connectTimeout before SSLSocket.startHandshake to avoid infinite wait in case the connection is broken PR #3040

Christian Ullrich (1):

  • fix: support waffle-jna 2.x and 3.x by using reflective approach for ManagedSecBufferDesc PR #2720