PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.5.4 Released

Notable changes


  • fix: fix testGetSQLTypeQueryCache by searching for xid type. We used to search for box type but it is now cached. xid is not cached, this nuance is required for the test.\
  • fix OidValueCorrectnessTest BOX_ARRAY OID, by adding BOX_ARRAY to the oidTypeName map [PR #2810]((
  • fixes Issue #2804.\
  • fix: Make sure that github CI runs tests on all PRs #2809.

Commits by author

Dave Cramer (5):

  • Make sure that github CI runs tests on all PRs PR 2809\
  • fix: fix testGetSQLTypeQueryCache by searching for xid type. We used to search for box type but it is now cached PR 2810