

ST_TransformPipeline — Return a new geometry with coordinates transformed to a different spatial reference system using a defined coordinate transformation pipeline.


geometry ST_TransformPipeline ( geometry g1 , text pipeline , integer to_srid ) ;


Return a new geometry with coordinates transformed to a different spatial reference system using a defined coordinate transformation pipeline.

Transformation pipelines are defined using any of the following string formats:

  • urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation:AUTHORITY::CODE . Note that a simple EPSG:CODE string does not uniquely identify a coordinate operation: the same EPSG code can be used for a CRS definition.

  • A PROJ pipeline string of the form: +proj=pipeline ... . Automatic axis normalisation will not be applied, and if necessary the caller will need to add an additional pipeline step, or remove axisswap steps.

  • Concatenated operations of the form: urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation,coordinateOperation:EPSG::3895,coordinateOperation:EPSG::1618 .

Availability: 3.4.0

The SRID of the input geometry is ignored, and the SRID of the output geometry will be set to zero unless a value is provided via the optional to_srid parameter. When using `ST_TransformPipeline()` the pipeline is executed in a forward direction. Using ST_InverseTransformPipeline the pipeline is executed in the inverse direction.

Transforms using pipelines are a specialised version of ST_Transform . In most cases `ST_Transform` will choose the correct operations to convert between coordinate systems, and should be preferred.


Change WGS 84 long lat to UTM 31N using the EPSG:16031 conversion

-- Forward direction
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_TransformPipeline('SRID=4326;POINT(2 49)'::geometry,
  'urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation:EPSG::16031')) AS utm_geom;

 POINT(426857.9877165967 5427937.523342293)
(1 row)

-- Inverse direction
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_InverseTransformPipeline('POINT(426857.9877165967 5427937.523342293)'::geometry,
  'urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation:EPSG::16031')) AS wgs_geom;

 POINT(2 48.99999999999999)
(1 row)

GDA2020 example.

-- using ST_Transform with automatic selection of a conversion pipeline.
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_Transform('SRID=4939;POINT(143.0 -37.0)'::geometry, 7844)) AS gda2020_auto;

 POINT(143.00000635638918 -36.999986706128176)
(1 row)

-- using a defined conversion (EPSG:8447)
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_TransformPipeline('SRID=4939;POINT(143.0 -37.0)'::geometry,
  'urn:ogc:def:coordinateOperation:EPSG::8447')) AS gda2020_code;

 POINT(143.0000063280214 -36.999986718287545)
(1 row)

-- using a PROJ pipeline definition matching EPSG:8447, as returned from
-- 'projinfo -s EPSG:4939 -t EPSG:7844'.
-- NOTE: any 'axisswap' steps must be removed.
SELECT ST_AsText(ST_TransformPipeline('SRID=4939;POINT(143.0 -37.0)'::geometry,
   +step +proj=unitconvert +xy_in=deg +xy_out=rad
   +step +proj=hgridshift +grids=au_icsm_GDA94_GDA2020_conformal_and_distortion.tif
   +step +proj=unitconvert +xy_in=rad +xy_out=deg')) AS gda2020_pipeline;

 POINT(143.0000063280214 -36.999986718287545)
(1 row)