
There are a few options available for community support of the PostgreSQL Operator:

  • If you believe you have found a bug or have a detailed feature request: please open an issue on GitHub. The PostgreSQL Operator community and the Crunchy Data team behind the PostgreSQL Operator is generally active in responding to issues.
  • For general questions or community support: please join the PostgreSQL Operator community mailing list at,

In all cases, please be sure to provide as many details as possible in regards to your issue, including:

  • Your Platform (e.g. Kubernetes vX.YY.Z)
  • Operator Version (e.g. centos7-4.5.0)
  • A detailed description of the issue, as well as steps you took that lead up to the issue
  • Any relevant logs
  • Any additional information you can provide that you may find helpful

For production and commercial support of the PostgreSQL Operator, please contact Crunchy Data at for information regarding an Enterprise Support Subscription.