Installing Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes Using Kustomize
If you are deploying using the installer from the Crunchy Data Customer Portal, please refer to the guide there for alternative setup information.
First, go to GitHub and fork the Postgres Operator examples repository, which contains the Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes Kustomize installer.
Once you have forked this repo, you can download it to your working environment with a command similar to this:
git clone --depth 1 "git@github.com:${YOUR_GITHUB_UN}/postgres-operator-examples.git"
cd postgres-operator-examples
For Powershell environments:
git clone --depth 1 "git@github.com:$env:YOUR_GITHUB_UN/postgres-operator-examples.git"
cd postgres-operator-examples
The Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes installation project is located in the kustomize/install
While the default Kustomize install should work in most Kubernetes environments, it may be necessary to further customize the Kustomize project(s) according to your specific needs.
For instance, to customize the image tags utilized for the Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes Deployment, the images
setting in the kustomize/install/default/kustomization.yaml
file can be modified:
- name: postgres-operator
newName: registry.developers.crunchydata.com/crunchydata/postgres-operator
newTag: ubi8-5.7.4-0
If you are deploying using the images from the Crunchy Data Customer Portal, please refer to the private registries guide for additional setup information.
Please note that the Kustomize install project will also create a namespace for Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes by default (though it is possible to install without creating the namespace, as shown below). To modify the name of namespace created by the installer, the kustomize/install/namespace/namespace.yaml
should be modified:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: custom-namespace
The namespace
setting in kustomize/install/default/kustomization.yaml
should be modified accordingly.
namespace: custom-namespace
By default, Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes deploys with debug logging turned on. If you wish to disable this, you need to set the CRUNCHY_DEBUG
environmental variable to "false"
that is found in the kustomize/install/manager/manager.yaml
file. Alternatively, you can add the following to your kustomize/install/manager/kustomization.yaml
to disable debug logging:
- |-
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: pgo
- name: operator
value: "false"
You can also create additional Kustomize overlays to further patch and customize the installation according to your specific needs.
Installation Mode
When Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes is installed, it can be configured to manage PostgreSQL clusters in all namespaces within the Kubernetes cluster, just those within a single namespace, or, starting in CPK 5.7, those in a select set of namespaces. When managing PostgreSQL clusters in multiple namespaces, a ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding is created to ensure Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes has the permissions it requires to properly manage PostgreSQL clusters across all namespaces. However, when Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes is configured to manage PostgreSQL clusters within a single namespace only, a Role and RoleBinding is created instead.
The installation of the necessary resources for a cluster-wide or a single-namespace-limited operator is done automatically by Kustomize, as described below in the Install section. If you wish for the operator to only manage PostgreSQL clusters in a select set of namespaces, you will need to make a change to the kustomize/install/manager/manager.yaml
file. Open the file and to the list of operator container environment variables, add a variable with the name PGO_TARGET_NAMESPACES
, and for the value enter the desired namespaces in a double-quoted, comma-separated list. For example:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: pgo
- name: operator
value: "namespace-one,namespace-two,namespace-three"
The only other potential change you may need to make is to the Namespace resource and the namespace
field if using a namespace other than the default postgres-operator
High Availability
Starting in CPK 5.7, the operator can run in a typical hot/cold high availability configuration. When enabled, one pod will be the leader, while others wait to become the leader should the current leader fail. This capability is controlled by the PGO_CONTROLLER_LEASE_NAME
environment variable on the PGO deployment. That value names the Lease object used to elect a leader of the deployment. The default is cpk-leader-election-lease
, so you can achieve high availability by setting the Deployment replicas
greater than one.
If you wish to disable this capability, empty or remove the PGO_CONTROLLER_LEASE_NAME
environment variable and set replicas
to 1.
Health Probes
Starting in CPK 5.7, the operator has the ability to perform liveness and readiness health probes. These probes are set on the operator Deployment and are enabled by default with the following settings:
path: /readyz
port: 8081
initialDelaySeconds: 15
periodSeconds: 20
path: /healthz
port: 8081
initialDelaySeconds: 5
periodSeconds: 10
To disable these probes, simply remove them from the operator Deployment.
Once the Kustomize project has been modified according to your specific needs, Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes can then be installed using kubectl
and Kustomize. To create the target namespace, run the following:
kubectl apply -k kustomize/install/namespace
This will create the default postgres-operator
namespace, unless you have edited the kustomize/install/namespace/namespace.yaml
resource. That Namespace
resource should have the same value as the namespace
field in the kustomization.yaml
file (located either at kustomize/install/default
or kustomize/install/singlenamespace
, depending on whether you are deploying the operator with cluster-wide or single-namespace-limited permissions).
To install Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes itself in cluster-wide mode (or multi-namespace mode if you have added the PGO_TARGET_NAMESPACES
environment variable), apply the kustomization file in the default
kubectl apply --server-side -k kustomize/install/default
To install Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes itself in single-namespace-limited mode, apply the kustomization file in the singlenamespace
kubectl apply --server-side -k kustomize/install/singlenamespace
The kustomization.yaml
files in those folders take care of applying the appropriate permissions.
Install the Custom Resource Definition using Older Kubectl
This installer is optimized for Kustomize v4.0.5 or later, which is included in kubectl
If you are using an earlier version of kubectl
to manage your Kubernetes objects, you should be
able to create the namespace as described above, but when you run the kubectl apply --server-side -k kustomize/install/default
command, you will get an error like:
Error: json: unknown field "labels"
To fix this error, download the most recent version of Kustomize. Once you have installed Kustomize v4.0.5 or later, you can use it to produce valid Kubernetes yaml:
kustomize build kustomize/install/default
The output from the kustomize build
command can be captured to a file or piped directly to kubectl
kustomize build kustomize/install/default | kubectl apply --server-side -f -
Automated Upgrade Checks
By default, Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes will automatically check for updates to itself and software components by making a request to a URL. If Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes detects there are updates available, it will print them in the logs. As part of the check, Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes will send aggregated, anonymized information about the current deployment to the endpoint. An upcoming release will allow for Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes to opt-in to receive and apply updates to software components automatically.
Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes will check for updates upon startup and once every 24 hours. Any errors in checking will have no impact on the operation of Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes. To disable the upgrade check, you can set the CHECK_FOR_UPGRADES
environmental variable on the pgo
Deployment to "false"
For more information about collected data, see the Crunchy Data collection notice.
Once Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes has been installed, it can also be uninstalled using kubectl
and Kustomize. To uninstall Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes (assuming it was installed in cluster-wide mode), the following command can be utilized:
kubectl delete -k kustomize/install/default
To uninstall Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes installed with only namespace permissions, use:
kubectl delete -k kustomize/install/singlenamespace
The namespace created with this installation can likewise be cleaned up with:
kubectl delete -k kustomize/install/namespace
Next Step: Create a Postgres Cluster
Now that you've installed Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes, you're ready to Create a Postgres Cluster.
Next Step: Install Monitoring
No installation of Crunchy Postgres for Kubernetes is complete without monitoring! See our tutorial on installing monitoring with Kustomize for details.