Lifecycle Events
Operator Eventing
The Operator creates events from the various life-cycle events going on within the Operator logic and driven by pgo users as they interact with the Operator and as Postgres clusters come and go or get updated.
Event Watching
There is a pgo CLI command:
pgo watch alltopic
This command connects to the event stream and listens on a topic for event real-time. The command will not complete until the pgo user enters ctrl-C.
This command will connect to localhost:14150 (default) to reach the event stream. If you have the correct priviledges to connect to the Operator pod, you can port forward as follows to form a connection to the event stream:
kubectl port-forward svc/postgres-operator 14150:4150 -n pgo
Event Topics
The following topics exist that hold the various Operator generated events:
Event Types
The various event types are found in the source code at
Event Deployment
The Operator events are published and subscribed via the NSQ project software ( NSQ is found in the pgo-event container which is part of the postgres-operator deployment.
You can see the pgo-event logs by issuing the elog bash function found in the examples/ script.
NSQ looks for events currently at port 4150. The Operator sends events to the NSQ address as defined in the EVENT_ADDR environment variable.
If you want to disable eventing when installing with Bash, set the following environment variable in the Operator Deployment: “name”: “DISABLE_EVENTING” “value”: “true”
To disable eventing when installing with Ansible, add the following to your inventory file: pgo_disable_eventing=‘true’