PostgreSQL JDBC Driver 42.2.21 Released


  • update docs to reflect deprecated DataSource API setServerName backpatch PR#2057 PR #2105



  • make sure the table has defined primary keys when using updateable resultset backpatch PR#2101 fixes Issue 1975 PR #2106
  • backpatch PR #2143 read notifies or errors that come in asynchronously after the ready for query PR #2168
  • backpatch PR #507 which reworks OSGI bundle activator fixes ISSUE #2133
  • Fix database metadata getFunctions() and getProcedures() to ignore search_path when no schema pattern is specified. backpatch PR #2174 fixes Issue 2173

Commits by author

Dave Cramer (5):

  • fix: make sure the table have defined primary keys when using updateable resultset PR 2101 (#2106) update docs to reflect deprecated DataSource API setServerName PR 2057 (#2105)

  • fix: backpatch PRPR 507 which reworks OSGI bundle activator fixes ISSUE #2133 (#2166)

  • fix: backpatch2142 read notifies or errors that come in asynchronously after the ready for query PR 2168

  • fix: backpatch PRPR 2174 to Fix metadata functions getProcedures() and getFunctions() to ignore search_path (#2175)