

The following is required prior to installing PostgreSQL Operator.


The PostgreSQL Operator is tested in the following environments:

  • Kubernetes v1.13+
  • Red Hat OpenShift v3.11+
  • Red Hat OpenShift v4.3+
  • VMWare Enterprise PKS 1.3+
  • IBM Cloud Pak Data

IBM Cloud Pak Data

If you install the PostgreSQL Operator, which comes with Crunchy PostgreSQL for Kubernetes, on IBM Cloud Pak Data, please note the following additional requirements:

  • Cloud Pak Data Version 2.5
  • Minimum Node Requirements (Cloud Paks Cluster): 3
  • Crunchy PostgreSQL for Kuberentes (Service):
    • Minimum CPU Requirements: 0.2 CPU
    • Minimum Memory Requirements: 120MB
    • Minimum Storage Requirements: 5MB

Note: PostgreSQL clusters deployed by the PostgreSQL Operator with Crunchy PostgreSQL for Kubernetes are workload dependent. As such, users should allocate enough resources for their PostgreSQL clusters.

Client Interfaces

The PostgreSQL Operator installer will install the pgo client interface to help with using the PostgreSQL Operator. However, it is also recommend that you have access to kubectl or oc and are able to communicate with the Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster that you are working with.


There are several application ports to note when using the PostgreSQL Operator. These ports allow for the pgo client to interface with the PostgreSQL Operator API as well as for users of the event stream to connect to nsqd and nsqdadmin:

Container Port
API Server 8443
nsqadmin 4151
nsqd 4150

If you are using these services, ensure your cluster adminsitrator has given you access to these ports.

Application Ports

The PostgreSQL Operator deploys different services to support a production PostgreSQL environment. Below is a list of the applications and their default Service ports.

Service Port
PostgreSQL 5432
pgbouncer 5432
pgBackRest 2022
postgres-exporter 9187
pgbadger 10000